SPRINGFIELD The Ninth Annual Sheriff's Shuffle Memorial 5K Run/Walk is set for Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. at the Western Massachusetts Correctional Alcohol Center, 26 Howard St. The entry fee is $20 and $10 for ages 10 and under. Registration starts at 8:45 a.m. and T-shirts will be given to the first 300 entrants. There will be pre- and post-race events and information booths. Proceeds from this year's event will go to Griffin's Friends Children's Cancer Fund at Baystate Medical Center who will sponsor a family to Camp Sunshine in Casco, Maine. Camp Sunshine is a retreat for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. For more information contact Mark Peloquin at 547-8000 ext. 3104 or go online at www.SheriffsShuffle.com. |