HOLYOKE The Soldiers' Home in Holyoke will be pairing with MAXIM Health Systems for a flu vaccine clinic for veterans. Pneumonia vaccinations will also be available. Spouses accompanying the veterans will be able to obtain the vaccinations under the same payment criteria. We will be holding two clinics, on Oct. 17 and Nov. 7, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. MAXIM's payment criteria is as follows: If you have Medicare Part B, there is no charge. You must provide proper documentation of such coverage. This must be your primary and not your supplemental coverage. Please check with your healthcare insurance carrier to determine your eligibility for payment. Some carriers will not pay for the flu or pneumonia vaccine and it will be your responsibility to pay. If you do not have the coverage mentioned above, there will be a charge of $30 for the flu shot and $40 for the pneumonia shot to the provider cash or check only. You must bring your Soldiers' Home in Holyoke ID card (blue card) or your discharge papers (DD214) in order to show your eligibility. |