SPRINGFIELD Patients often focus on their current symptoms when they seek medical treatment, and then on the resulting recommendations of their doctor. They may not realize the importance of providing accurate and up-to-date information about their medications at the start of their appointment, so that their doctor or healthcare provider has all the elements necessary to make an informed decision about their care, and ultimately insure their safety. National Patient Safety Awareness Week is aimed at making patients more aware of the steps they can take to become more involved in their own healthcare and promote their safety. The theme this year is "Patient Safety A Road Taken Together." Mercy Medical Center in Springfield will celebrate National Patient Safety Awareness Week with informational programs for patients and healthcare providers. The sessions will be held in the lobby at Mercy Medical Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 5 through March 9, 2007, and will feature a variety of health care speakers and programs. These programs are free and open to the public. The following listing outlines the program schedule: March 5 Medication management education. Pharmacists Thomas Pizzoferrato and Dell Bernier will provide free patient educational materials such as wallet medication cards, Coumadin booklets and "look alike-sound alike" medication lists. Lois Menard, of the Breast Care Center, will provide self-breast exam information for both men and women. Margaret-Ann Azzaro RN, BSN, will provide information about fall prevention and reduction education. Judy Kibbe, RN, will provide information about case management and the importance of advance directives. March 6 Susan Frazier, RN, BSN, will provide information about quality measures for Acute MI, Congestive Heart failure and Pneumonia Education regarding the importance of the Influenza and Pneumococcal vaccines for prevention of these diseases. The program will also include information about the importance of medication cards when coming to the hospital or doctor's offices. Lynn Shewchuk, R.T.R. Diagnostic Imaging Manager, will present educational material on Digital Mammography and Mammography related procedures. Claire Margosiak, RN, Nurse Manager, and Alice Hodge, RN, BSN, of the Family Life Center for Maternity will provide information for expectant, new parents, grandparents and childcare providers on the "Back to Sleep" campaign and ways of reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Kevin Sullivan, RN, BSN, CIC, Coordinator Infection Control will provide information on efforts to eradicate MRSA transmission and the importance of hand washing. March 7 Medication management education. Pharmacists Thomas Pizzoferrato and Dell Bernier will provide free patient educational materials such as wallet medication cards, Coumadin booklets and "look alike-sound alike" medication lists. Young Hee Kim, MS, RD, CNSD Clinical Nutrition Manager, will provide information on healthy eating and healthy living to lower cardiac risk. Claudette M. Tarsa, BSN, MPA, CPHQ Quality Improvement RN, will provide educational presentations on organ donation, restraint needs in healthcare, Joint Commission Surveys and stroke information. Beth Monaco, RN, MSN Clinical Patient Safety Coordinator, will provide information about "JCAHO Speak Up," a national campaign to urge patients to take a role in preventing healthcare errors by becoming active, involved and informed participants on the healthcare team. March 8 Gerald W. Stadnicki, CSP, CHSP, M.Ed., B.A., Director Safety & Security will present a program on how to prevent back injuries. Bernadette Waters, Registered Respiratory Therapist, will present a session on Asthma/COPD/Medication Use and Safety Crystal Brown, Community Executive, will present information on The American Cancer Society's patient programs and cancer awareness. Jill LeGates, Clinical Manager of Outpatient Services, will provide home safety instructions and education. March 9 Medication management education. Pharmacists Thomas Pizzoferrato and Dell Bernier will provide free patient educational materials such as wallet medication cards, Coumadin booklets and "look alike-sound alike" medication lists. Judy Aitkenhead, RN, Quality & Risk Manager, and Sharon Chaput RN, Manager of Regulatory Compliance at the Providence Behavioral Health Campus, will provide information about depression, anxiety disorders, addictions, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Beth Monaco, RN, MSN Clinical Patient Safety Coordinator, will provide information about "JCAHO Speak Up," a national campaign to urge patients to take a role in preventing health care errors by becoming active, involved and informed participants on the health care team. |