Date: 11/23/2022
WESTERN MASS. — In between bites of turkey and football referees’ whistles, civic leaders will say they have several reasons for gratitude this Thanksgiving Day.
Reminder Publishing asked elected officials, school administrators and other public figures in Agawam and West Springfield to share what they are thankful for today. Their responses ranged from personal accomplishments and beloved family members to coworkers and political allies to first responders and veterans.
“Gratitude is at the top of my menu, every day,” said West Springfield School Committee member Diana Coyne. “I feel so very blessed to have a wonderful, supportive network of family (including our fur babies), friends new and old, professional colleagues, and the close-knit community of West Springfield. I am proud and thrilled to serve as a School Committee member, and there is so much to celebrate about 2022, including accomplishments in academics, extracurriculars, athletics and the new Coburn Elementary ... and the list goes on! The town’s achievements are a testament to the leadership of our teachers, staff, administration and students. Our caring, articulate and motivated students seek to make our school community — and the wider world — a better place. And they are succeeding! My sincerest wishes to all for health, happiness, some homemade pie (can’t wait for my mom’s pumpkin!), and a West Side football victory (sorry, Agawam). Happy Thanksgiving!”
Her School Committee colleague Robert Mancini lauded the institution of Thanksgiving itself.
“Being thankful can help people feel more positive, relish good experiences, improve their health and build strong relationships with others,” Mancini said. “It’s no secret that our children demonstrate a more positive attitude when practicing thankfulness. Your life is already filled with friends and family who love and care about you. Forget about the material things you don’t have and instead appreciate every single relationship you have and each positive interactive you encounter each day. It doesn’t matter how big or small these things are.”
For some people, it was a combination of all the big and small things.
“I am thankful for the relationships and connections I have around me, especially with my family, my close friends, and the staff and students of Robinson Park School,” said Stephanie Harris, principal of the Agawam school. “I am also grateful for the struggles and setbacks that strengthened me, the lessons that humbled me. They serve as reminders of how far I’ve come, what I am capable of, and how blessed I am to have such light and love in my life now. From the highest highs to the lowest lows and everything in between, I’m grateful for all of it.”
West Springfield’s interim school superintendent, Vito Perrone, sent a list of people and groups he’d like to acknowledge on Thanksgiving: “The community of West Springfield for their generosity; the mayor, department heads and employees of the city for their unstinting support; the School Committee for their collaboration; the building and central office administrators and staff for their leadership and devotion; the faculty and staff for all that they do day in and day out for our amazing students; the families and caregivers of our students for their advocacy and engagement; and last and most important, the amazing students of West Side for being our best resource, our most fantastic ambassadors, and our future leaders!”
Veterans and freedom
Carolyn Koszarek, director of veterans services in West Springfield, said she remains thankful for all who served in the military.
“This year and every year I am thankful to our nation’s veterans — those who heard the call of duty and answered by serving our country to protect our freedoms. And I am also thankful for those individuals and organizations who support our veterans — not just on Veterans or Memorial Day, but every day. I am especially thankful for the residents of the town of West Springfield who have been so welcoming and supportive in my new role.”
Cecilia Calabrese, a small business owner and vice president of the Agawam City Council, also included veterans in her list of thanks.
“I am thankful for my loving family: Michael, Charles, Michaela. Each of them have unique talents and the courage to pursue their dreams,” said Calabrese. “I am thankful for the people that keep us safe in our communities: police, fire, ambulance and those intrepid DPW workers that remove snow and ice and keep our roads and public ways safe, year-round. I am thankful for our God-given freedoms and the military personnel that sacrifice their lives to protect those freedoms. I pray that we are strong enough, as a nation, to keep them.”
Her fellow councilor George Bitzas struck a similar tone.
“I am thankful for my family and all the good things that God provides for us,” he said. “I am thankful that we are living in the best country in the world. I am thankful to the people of our town for their continued support and special thanks to all the veterans and all the young men and women in our military who are serving now protecting us and keeping our country free!”
School, family ties
Peter Gillen, principal of West Springfield Middle School, was one of many who gave thanks for their spouses, children and coworkers.
“I’m thankful for my wonderful family, especially my wife Lynn and our four incredible daughters,” Gillen said. “I’m thankful for getting to work in the outstanding community that is West Springfield and with the tremendous staff, students, and families at West Springfield Middle School. It very truly is a privilege and I’m grateful for it. Finally, I’m thankful for all the good moments that life has to offer. There are a lot of good moments — especially the simple ones — and I’m appreciative when they come.”
Phelps School Principal Andy Villamaino had similar comments: “I am thankful for my family and health and am grateful for all of the amazing colleagues and educators I work and laugh with every day. The staff at Phelps never cease to amaze me with how willing they are to go above and beyond for our students and families.”
Thomas Hendrickson took on many new challenges this year — serving his first term as a city councilor is just one of them — and thanked those who helped him along the way.
“I have a lot to be thankful for this year,” said Hendrickson. “I graduated from my master’s degree program from the UMass Amherst School of Public Policy, joined the Agawam City Council, and had the opportunity to work as the campaign manager for state Sen.-elect Jake Oliveira. I’m thankful for these experiences and accomplishments, and I’m immensely grateful for my family, friends, colleagues and everyone in my life that supported me throughout my endeavors this year.”
Stephanie Gendron, principal at Granger School in Feeding Hills, joined the list of those thanking family.
“I am most thankful for my incredibly supportive husband, Kyle, and for my two amazing sons, Caleb and Brayden, who make me so proud to be their mom,” Gendron said. “I am also thankful for the many opportunities that have been provided to me, especially the opportunity to be the principal at Granger Elementary School. I take a great deal of pride in what I do and am grateful for the staff, students, and families I work alongside each day.”
Patrons and politics
Some of the public servants took the opportunity to say thank-you to their patrons and political allies. Pamela Weingart, the children’s librarian in Agawam, said she’s thankful for the town’s support of the Agawam Public Library over the past year.
“It was hard on patrons and staff when we were not able to be in our Cooper Street building due to renovations,” Weingart said. “We will always be grateful to the Agawam Senior Center for making space for us and being so welcoming, but we are delighted to be back ‘home’ in our building at 750 Cooper St. Come visit us, I’d be happy to show you around!”
Daniel O’Brien, the District 4 town councilor in West Springfield, also thanked the people.
“As an elected official, I am grateful for citizens who take the time to express their feelings on proposals that come up in the agenda,” he said. “They speak up and show up when they want their opinion heard. An engaged electorate is a blessing to me.”
Edward Sullivan expressed gratitude for those who serve in West Springfield as well as the outgoing governor and lieutenant governor.
“I am thankful for all the volunteers, employees and elected officials who put the time and effort into making West Springfield a wonderful place,” he said, adding, “I also want to express how fortunate and thankful I was to have the opportunity as mayor, and presently president of the City Council, to work with the Baker-Polito administration. Their attention to each and every community in the commonwealth certainly harvested positive results for all concerned. They set the standard by which other administrations will be measured.”
Barbara Bard, administrative assistant to the Agawam City Council, also praised a group of politicians she’s worked with, after first thanking her family.
“Personally, I’m thankful for my incredible husband and being blessed with three beautiful children. Professionally, I’m thankful to know that even though social media blames the City Council for nearly everything that goes wrong, that I personally know that they are hard-working men and women who do their absolute best for the citizens of Agawam,” Bard said.
Personal relationships
Asked what he’s thankful for, West Springfield District 1 Town Councilor Michael Eger replied: “I got married this year, on June 26 to Ritopa Das, and will have a second ceremony in India for her family this December. You can say I was able to marry the love of my life twice in one year.”
Another councilor, Agawam’s Anthony Suffriti, said his list of thanks “could go on forever,” but to choose the biggest items, “I am grateful for my colleagues, the people who work with me and around me and everything they do to help and make life just a little bit easier. Without them I would lack the organization I need to have a steady flow throughout my workday, and for that I am grateful. … I am grateful that all of the people I love are in good health, to wake up every day and be able to experience life alongside me and create memories daily. Lastly, I am grateful for my household, my two wonderful daughters who I get to watch grow more and more every day and being able to be a constant part of their lives, as well as my amazing girlfriend who helps me in ways I could never imagine I needed, and bringing ease and comfort into our house, making it a home.”
“I am most grateful for family, friends, and good health,” responded Mitchell Taylor, principal of Clark School in Agawam.
Similarly, Agawam City Councilor Rosemary Sandlin’s response was short and to the point: “I’m thankful for all my family and friends.”
School is open
While thanking teachers, students and parents was a common theme among school principals, two of them gave thanks for the return to a more traditional school experience in the third year of the coronavirus pandemic.
“I am thankful for the staff, students, administration and families for making AHS a great school,” said Jim Blain, principal of Agawam High School. “Post-pandemic, we are getting back to a level of academic rigor and school life that is free of restrictions, mandates, and regulations. Students and teachers are in a groove, and collectively the 1,200 we spend time with every day make AHS a great place to work and learn.”
His counterpart at Agawam Junior High School, Norman Robbins, thanked Agawam’s families and echoed some of Blain’s comments.
“I am thankful seeing students being kids again, smiling, laughing and reconnecting with each other,” said Robbins. “I am thankful to the Agawam Junior High School staff for embracing the challenges the past couple of years and continuing to inspire, continuing to ignite passion, and continuing to show care and empathy for one another during extremely difficult times. I am most thankful to my wife, also a tireless educator, and my children who lost so much during the [coronavirus] pandemic but showed greater strength, courage and resilience than I ever could. I am thankful we are starting to get back to a sense of normality and am thankful looking towards the future and the hope and positivity it holds for us!”