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Katsoulis announces City Council candidacy

AGAWAM Marc Katsoulis recently announced his candidacy for election to the Agawam Town Council.

"My candidacy offers to the voters of Agawam someone whose number one goal if elected will be to preserve the small town character of our community. I have had the honor of serving for many years in government and now I ask the voters of Agawam to allow me to work for them," Katsoulis said. "I feel my experience will be a valuable asset as I bring a new voice to the Council.

"I am confident that we can continue to keep our tax rate as low as possible while maintaining the services the people of Agawam have come to expect. I will work with my fellow town officials to keep our promise to the people of Feeding Hills regarding their long overdue sewer system. Also high on my list are programs for our young people and expansion of elderly services.

"If elected, my philosophy will be easy to understand, I am employed by you and will work for you," he said.

Katsoulis is a graduate of American International College with a master's degree in education. He is married to Marjorie Katsoulis. They have three children Keith, Greg and Krista, and three grandchildren Alexa, Evia and Jenna.

The above press release was submitted by Marc Katsoulis, candidate for City Council. Any other candidate who would like to submit a political statement can do so by emailing it to Statements will be placed in the paper as space is available.