Travels around the world inspire authorDate: 12/2/2016 WEST SPRINGFIELD – For teacher and author Katherine Mary Kraver a story is more than just a narrative, it’s the opportunity to expose a reader to an issue and provoke thought and conversation.
The West Side third grade teacher’s second book “The Boy with the Red Shoes” has just been released and Kraver will be at a book signing on Dec. 3 at the West Springfield Public Library from 2 to 4 p.m. She will be donating $1 from the sale of each book to the American Red Cross.
Kraver told Reminder Publications she wanted to write a book for children that addressed the issue of refugees. The book is set in Haiti and concerns a young man trying to earn money to help his family whose home has been destroyed by an earthquake.
The inspiration for the book came through a trip to Haiti Kraver took with her family, she explained. She noted this book continues her efforts to use a children’s book as a “springboard to make people think about what is happening across the globe.”
Travel has played a huge role in Kraver’s life. She has visited five continents and dozens of countries.
She is also very active in a number of public service efforts such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Ronald McDonald House.
Kraver’s first book, “It was Just a House,” also addresses the plight of a refugee family, in this case in a camp in Jordan. Again, the inspiration came from a trip she took in Jordan and other parts of the Middle East.
The success of the first book with its protagonist being a Muslim boy has resulted not just in book signings but also in Kraver speaking to groups.
“I want people to want to take that book to learn about those people,” she said.
The book received a five-star rating from readers on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
“I grew up struggling to read. I couldn’t find a book I liked,” Kraver said. She did like the news and wanted to read “relevant stories.”
She has had the opportunity to travel and have used these experiences in the creation of her stories.
“I want to transport readers to different parts of the world,” Kraver explained.
The illustrations for the book were created from photos she has taken on her travels.
Kraver said that she “wants my book to be used on all levels, for adults, and middle and high school students. I want it to appeal to readers of all ages.
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