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Artists to gather at first Art Party

Date: 2/16/2009

By Lori Szepelak


INDIAN ORCHARD -- More than 40 regional artists have donated works of art for the first Art Party 2009 on Feb. 21 to benefit Gallery 137.

"There are many fine artists participating in this show and the quality of the artwork is superb," said Brian Hale, board president of Gallery 137, during an interview with Reminder Publications. Hale is also owner of Design WorkShop Inc. in the Indian Orchard Mills.

Hale noted that he and gallery director Julia Courtney were aware of similar events at other non-profit galleries and have planned to present one at Gallery 137 since its inception.

Participating artists have created and donated works of art in a variety of mediums for the Art Party. Mediums include oils and acrylics on canvas, pencil on paper, photographs, collage, digital prints, fiber and stained glass.

Artists donating works at press time include J. D. Ayers, Julie Ayotte, Peter Barnett, Claudine Bouchard, Donald A. Bushey, Susan Cagan, Joan Cole, Heidi Coutu, Sandy DeCristofaro, Jeff Denbin, Henry L. Ducharme, Darlene Duncan, Karen Gilbert, Christina Grandbois, Jackie Griswold, Bruce Guindon, Beverly Hanson, David Hay, Minoo Khanbabai, Mary Lawler and Berenice Michelow. Also, Richard Morganstern, Marc Morin, Amy Green Norman, Fran Nowak, Richard Nowak, Michelle Pescetta, Heather Pisano, John Robertson, Jim Rosenthal, Carol Russell, Beryl Salinger Schmitt, Rachel Saloio, Keith Sikes, Barbara St. Jaques, Grant Strange, Barbara Stroup, Richard Swiatlowski, Richard Tata, Sue Tosh, Roberta Wilson, Jason Wolfe and Daryl Zang.

"The event is a fundraiser intended to help Gallery 137 continue to present contemporary art in Indian Orchard," Hale added. "The party promises to be a good time with many talented and interesting people in attendance. When one also considers that each guest will take home a wonderful, original work of art, the $75 charge seems like a bargain indeed."

The BG Group, located on Worcester Street in Indian Orchard, is sponsoring the event, which starts at 8 p.m.

The current Gallery 137 exhibition consists of 9" x 12" works of art by area artists that will be distributed at the end of the evening to the attendees of Art Party 2009.

The ticket price of $75 per person includes desserts, drinks and an original signed piece of artwork. Tickets are limited and early reservations are recommended.

For tickets and more information, call 543-6994 or send an e-mail to

The gallery, located at 137 Main St., is a project of the Indian Orchard Main Street Partnership, a 501(c) 3 non-profit.