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Enjoy wine tasting with a hint of Ireland

The Irish Cultural Center will host a "Wine Tasting with an Irish Accent" as a fundraiser to support the Elms College Irish Studies Program on Sept. 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Mary Dooley Campus Center. Tickets at $30 each may be ordered from the center at 265-2537 or purchased at Cabot Liquors, 220 Exchange St.

The beverages provided by Cabot Liquors include Irish wines (yes, there are a few), Irish beers, ciders, soda and water. Aramark Food Services will provide refreshments: Irish cheeses (Kerrygold Dubliner and Killarney), crackers and a fruit tray, Dubliner pasta and salad. We'll even have an Irish (aka Chinese) raffle.

The evening offers an opportunity to meet and mingle with friends, as well as to meet the seven Elms College students who traveled to study in Ireland in June. You don't want to miss this fun, unique experience, and help a good cause at the same time.

The Irish Studies Minor became a reality at the Elms College last year. Seven students took advantage of an opportunity to study in County Sligo for a two-week course in Celtic Studies at the Innisfree International College and Convention Centre at Lough Gill. Because the Centre is associated with NUI Galway, the students earned college credits. In addition to classroom lectures, they also toured the area, visited museums, historical and archeological sites. It was not all work, however. They attended several seisiuns and a c ili and enjoyed a gala dinner in Markee Castle.

The Irish Cultural Center at Elms College opened almost 10 years ago. To fulfill our mission of "keeping the Irish arts alive" we offer various events each year: Irish language classes, genealogy help, lectures, films, concerts and our annual "Christmas with an Irish Touch" celebration. We have sponsored trips to Ireland, the Journey of the Soul, as well as bus trips to Boston, New York and Worcester to attend plays. Visit to read about some of our programs.

Plan to join us for our fun event for a good cause. The Mary Dooley Campus Center is handicapped accessible.