June 1 picnic fundraiser benefits Granby Veterans Memorial
Date: 5/15/2014
By Lori Szepelaklori@thereminder.comGRANBY – The Immaculate Heart of Mary pavilion on State Street will be the setting for a veterans’ picnic fundraiser on June 1 to benefit the construction of the Granby Veterans Memorial project.
The Tunes for Charity Band will provide the entertainment for the event, which is planned from 4 to 7 p.m. Band members are Dave Engelbrecht of Granby, on guitar/vocals, Joe DeForge of Granby, on guitar/harmonic/vocals, Matt Thompson of Ludlow, on drums, and Rick Peterson of Wilbraham, on bass guitar and vocals. The band members will perform classic rock hits from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.
The Granby Veterans Memorial Committee, established in September of 2012, is encouraging area residents to turn out for the event, planned rain or shine, to help raise funds so a lasting memorial can be created to honor those in town who have served their nation in a time of war.
“We hope town residents join us and support our veterans,” Mike Pandora, a U.S. Army veteran and president of the committee, said during an interview with
Reminder Publications.
Pandora noted that the committee has raised $10,000 since its inception, however, another $80,000 to $85,000 is still needed to complete the memorial.
“We need to raise funds not only for the memorial but for future maintenance as well as ongoing projects to help town veterans,” he said.
Tickets are $12 per person and can be purchased at the Granby Senior Center or Town Hall, or by contacting Bob Lapage at
smsbobret@yahoo.com. Checks should be made out to the Friends of Granby Veterans.
The picnic menu includes chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potato, cole slaw, and ice cream.
A raffle is also planned as part of the festivities.
For more information, two Facebook pages have been established: Friends of Granby Veterans and Granby Veterans Memorial Project.
Pandora added that on Oct. 12 the committee will host a 5K road race that begins and ends at the Happy Days Family Fun Center on Route 202.
Area residents who are unable to attend the picnic but would like to make a tax-deductible donation, checks can be sent to Friends of Granby Veterans, 10 West State St., Granby, MA 01033.