Date: 2/23/2021
WEST SPRINGFIELD – After a lost 2020, the renowned Big E plans to bounce back cautiously in 2021. Recent procedures and protocols have been put into place to fulfill the wants and needs of thousands wishing to attend the so-called “Best Fair Ever.”
Beginning Jan. 5, this year’s production was set and ready to plan. President and CEO of the Eastern States Exposition Gene Cassidy said they remain hopeful for this year's event starting on Sept. 17 through Oct. 3.
“The availability and viability concerns me as many of the collateral of businesses and organizations at the fair include food vendors and performers. My hope is that they all make it through the first quarter of 2021,” said Cassidy.
Businesses near and far have been plummeting and struggling to get by with no income due to COVID closures or reductions. The Big E suffered this same economic struggle in 2020. The Eastern States Exposition is a 501c3, meaning they generate funds through the donations and assistance of others. With such a large amount of land and property to maintain on the fairgrounds, Cassidy predicts this profound impact will take years to recover.
Prior to the pandemic, the facility upheld proper sanitation and health practices due to the mix between livestock and people that occupy these fairgrounds.
With people traveling to the Big E from all over the United States, there’s a variety of exposure and immunities. “We are very clean and are used to certain protocols. That will be sustained and enhanced for 2021,” Cassidy informed Reminder Publishing.
“Our job is to produce the best fair in America,” stated Cassidy. Through his work, Cassidy has been fortunate enough to travel often. He goes on to say, “Countries use our model for fairs which is very interesting.”
Now more than ever, people are hoping to experience some sort of normalcy, Cassidy said adding, “As social human beings, the fair is the best place for people to get together.” However, Cassidy does not expect to see record breaking attendance for a long time to come.
Looking forward to this year, Cassidy hopes to welcome people back to the fairgrounds in the fall. With the pandemic continuing and the goal post constantly moving, Cassidy stated, “Don’t lose hope. Have a positive outlook for 2021 and look at this event with hope.”
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