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OSV celebrates Veterans Day

Date: 11/7/2014

STURBRIDGE – Old Sturbridge Village will offer free admission to veterans, active military personnel and their families – up to six people – on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.

Historians will fire vintage firearms and perform martial music covering 300 years of America’s military history. A display of military uniforms from the American Revolution to the Gulf War will be on exhibit, including an impressive collection of original uniforms from World War I.

Visitors can meet a reenactor portraying an 1812 surgeon from the U.S.S. Constitution to learn about naval medicine and shipboard life 200 years ago. Youngsters can learn to drill with the militia (using toy muskets), and see how musket balls were cast. Village blacksmiths be hard at work on an 18th-century-style cannon, using iron fittings to attach the cannon to a wooden carriage.

Old Sturbridge Village blacksmiths will spend the winter months readying the replica cannon for its debut during the summer of 2015. The Village’s cannon is a copy of standard military armament used by both militias and regular armies from the mid-1700s through 1840. Original cannons of this type were known as “six pound field pieces,” and would fire six pound iron balls. For safety reasons, the Old Sturbridge Village cannon will fire only blanks, as do all artillery pieces demonstrated at the Village.

Old Sturbridge Village celebrates life in early New England from 1790 to 1840. Located just off the Massachusetts Turnpike and I-84 and Route 20 in Sturbridge, the museum is open year-round, but days and hours vary seasonally.

The Village is open Wednesday to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $24 for adults; $22 for seniors (adults 55 and older); $8 for children ages 3 to 17; children 2 and under are admitted free. Each admission includes free parking and a free second-day visit within 10 days. For details, visit or call 800-SEE-1830.