WESTFIELD The Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce and Westfield State College Community Education Office are connecting to bring your business into the 21st century on Feb. 8 at 7:15 a.m. at Shaker Farms Country Club, 866 Shaker Road. The breakfast, sponsored by STCU Credit Union, features Kate LaMay-Miller of Multi Media Impact offering her "Recipe for Marketing Success Using 21st Century Technology." Miller will cover the strength of webcasting, blogging and email marketing for building a business identity. She will also share valuable information about image and information enhancement through video and audio for television, internet streaming and demo DVD creation for use in growing a business's customer base. Reservations for the Marketing Technology Seminar must be made in writing and advance. The cost is $15 per ticket per Chamber member and $25 per ticket per non-members, which includes course materials and continental breakfast. Reservations may be mailed or faxed to Events Manager Diane Swanson, Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield, 1441 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01103-1449, fax 755-1322, or email at swanson@myonlinechamber.com. For more information about the seminar please contact Lynn Boscher, executive director, Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce at boscher@myonlinechamber.com or 568-1618. The Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce is one of seven affiliate chambers and a women's partnership affiliated with the Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield, Inc. (ACCGS). The ACCGS serves Agawam, East Longmeadow, Longmeadow, Hampden, Wilbraham, Ludlow, Springfield, West Springfield and Westfield. |