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Bra clinic doubles as a benefit event

Helen's Bra Clinic presents a benefit party for a happier, healthier, supportive lifestyle Nov. 19 at 11 a.m., The Oaks, 1070 Suffield St. (Rt. 75), Agawam. Holiday, shopping, great lunch, cash bar, style show, door prizes, raffle, DJ and some very special entertainment.

Ask friends, relatives, neighbors and fellow workers to join you. Great mother, sister, daughter, aunt, grandmother opportunity.

RSVP with donation on or before Nov. 10 as we need to get a count and get on with putting together a very successful show.

Every person who brings six guests and has paid on or before Nov. 10 will be in a special drawing. Helen's Bra Clinic, 62 Suffield St., Agawam 01001 or phone with credit card, 786-3383.