Baystate continues to offer care beyond its walls with hospice SPRINGFIELD "Baystate Health's commitment to improving the health of people in the community every day with quality and compassion has taken on new meaning as more and more care is provided beyond the walls of medical centers," said Ruth Odgren, vice president, Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice. And, November, a time set aside across the country to honor National Home Care and Hospice Month, brings attention to the very special mission of Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice. Odgren noted Home Care and Hospice Month has been particularly special at Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice because home care aides and nurses who have achieved a step up the clinical ladder were honored recently. "I have worked in home care nearly my whole career and did not encounter many opportunities for aides to advance, or agencies that provided these opportunities," said Odgren. "We are proud to acknowledge the expertise and hard work of our aides by providing a clinical ladder." Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice is also proud of their home telemonitoring program, allowing those with chronic cardiac conditions to receive daily vital sign assessment over a phone line, in addition to nursing visits. "Our data collection shows that patients who receive telehealth are less likely to go to the emergency room and are less likely to be re-hospitalized. Telehealth has even made its way to hospice care and we are piloting the use of real-time video visits for our patients receiving end of life care and their families," said Carol Rodrigues, director of clinical operations, Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice. But home-based care is not just high tech. It is also considered "high-touch," meaning that patients benefit from a variety of one-on-one services in their home, such as physical, occupational or speech therapy and social work. The goal of home care is to teach the patient or their caregivers how to provide the necessary care. Patients of any age who have decided not to pursue curative treatments may be eligible for hospice and will benefit from an interdisciplinary approach including nursing care, spiritual care, and bereavement care and social services for the patients and family. Providing comfort and quality of life when life is limited, hospice is a comprehensive program of services provided to those who have a life expectancy of six months or less if their disease runs its expected course. Hospice care neither hastens nor postpones death, and it can be provided in a variety of settings that the patient considers home whether a nursing home, assisted living facility, group home, or a family member's home, Rodrigues noted. The commitment to home based care is supported by specialty home care services to enhance independence and wellness: personal care support from Baystate Total Home Care, Health Watch personal response systems and medication dispensers, and specialized durable medical equipment and intravenous medications from Baystate Home Infusion and Respiratory Services. "It is important for patients throughout the three county area to know that when they are looking for ways to manage recuperation, or even end of life care at home, there are skilled experts available at Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice and its sister agencies. We are proud to provide the right care in the right place at the right time," said Odgren. Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice provides care to residents of Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties and the bordering towns of western Worcester County from offices in Springfield, Ware, and Greenfield. For more information, call Baystate Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice at 1-800-249-8298. |