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Melanoma Foundation of New England to launch new campaign

Date: 5/1/2014

The Melanoma Foundation of New England (MFNE) will launch a new public awareness campaign called “The Annoying Mole” during Melanoma Month, May 2014.

The campaign features an unsightly and “annoying” mole that is trying to get your attention. The campaign has a broad yet simple message: “Don’t ignore your moles, get them checked.”

MFNE has created awareness PSA’s for radio, television and print media, and will feature “The Annoying Mole” in a social media campaign throughout the month.

To keep tabs on the Annoying Mole during Melanoma Awareness Month follow on Twitter @MelanomaFdnNE using the hashtag #getitchecked, and on Facebook at Melanoma Foundation of New England,

MFNE is the largest nonprofit in the region dedicated to melanoma awareness and prevention. MFNE offers many free education programs throughout the year targeted to the prevention of skin cancer for children, teens, and adults. The new “Annoying Mole” campaign hopes to reach all segments of the population with a clear message: Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer but is nearly 100 percent curable if caught early. That “annoying mole” could be dangerous.

According to Deb Girard, MFNE’s executive director, Melanoma Month is the perfect time to launch this new campaign. “Melanoma Awareness Month is the time for people to take a good look at their skin – if they have something that's new or ‘annoying’ it’s time to get it checked,” she said. “One person dies every 50 minutes from melanoma. When caught at its earliest stage, however, it is nearly 100 percent curable. We hope our new campaign will be just the motivation people need to get their skin checked.”

Melanoma facts:

• Melanoma rates are increasing faster than nearly all other cancers.

• Melanoma is a relatively easy disease to prevent.

• Most melanomas are easy to stop if caught early – all it takes is a yearly skin exam.

• Melanoma kills one person every 50 minutes.

• Melanoma is the most common cancer among women aged 25 to 32.

• As many as 10,000 people a year die from melanoma.

• The New England states have a higher than average rate of melanoma.

For more information about MFNE or Melanoma Month, visit