LONGMEADOW "Yoga for Healing" is about staying in an active and caring relationship with your body as you heal. It integrates gentle stretching with deep breathing and relaxation. Doing only what you can on any given day, without force or strain, paves the way for rebuilding strength and health. "Yoga for Healing" releases physical tension, calms the mind, deeply relaxes the body, eases stress and soothes difficult emotions. The class takes place Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. and the eight class series begins March 10. The cost is $96 for the eight class series. The instructor is Filene Jeanette O'Gorman, certified Kripalu instructor. Classes take place at Heron Pond Health and Wellness, 175 Dwight Rd., Suite 203A in Longmeadow. This class is especially suited for those just beginning to exercise or those coping with physical issues such as arthritis, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, cancer, etc. Most of the class will be led with participants seated in chairs. We will explore a few gentle standing and floor poses with alternatives provided for those who find these postures too difficult. Each class will end with a period of deep relaxation either seated or lying on the floor. (Please bring an exercise mat or blanket to lie on for relaxation if you plan on using the floor.) |