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WSU to host sports clinics

Date: 3/14/2014

WESTFIELD – The Westfield State University WSU field hockey team is hosting a series of four spring clinics on Sundays for youth in grades first through twelfth at Alumni Field from noon to 3 p.m. on March 16 and 23 and April 6 and 13.

The clinics will focus on individual skills, effective passing, decision-making, small game tactics, important game strategies and live game play.

The cost per session is $40 (grades seven to 12) and $25 (grades one to six). Group rates are available.

For additional information or to register, contact WSU field hockey coach Jessica Bergen at 860-899-7677 or .


The WSU football program is hosting a clinic for players ages 13 to 18 from Aug. 6 to 8 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Alumni Field.

The WSU coaching staff and current college players will provide instruction. The focus of the clinic will be on offensive and defensive fundamentals.

The cost is $50 per day or $120 for all three days. There is a $10 daily discount for registering before May 23,

Contact WSU assistant football coach Vijay Saxena at or 572-5420, for additional information or questions.