Arthritis Foundation announces upcoming meeting Greater Springfield Arthritis Foundation Support & Education Group will meet at Springfield Elks Lodge #61, 440 Tiffany St., Springfield, at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. The 2006 Spring meeting schedule is as follows: May 2: topic"Update on Knee and Hip Replacement." Speaker: Joan McGirr, RN, Certified in Orthopedics, Coordinator Total Joint Replacement Baystate Medical Center. June 6: topic"Hypnosis for Health and Relaxation." Speaker: Claire Tatro, Certified Hypnotherapist, New England Ethical Hypnosis Institution. The support group meetings provide people with arthritis, their families and friends with an opportunity to learn more about arthritis and to share their concerns with each other. Meetings are free and open to the public. For more information contact Nancy Scott at 782-6915 or Dot Pulowski at 737-1348. Information and Referral links people in need with services that can help. The Arthritis Foundation's statewide Information and Referral Service responds to inquiries about arthritis, chapter programs, and services, and arthritis-related community resources. Volunteer specialists are available at 617-244-1800, X119 or 800-766-9449. The Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program offers recreational warm-water activities under the guidance of trained personnel. Exercises may help to improve joint flexibility, muscle strength and coordination. Swimming ability is not necessary to participate. Contact the YMCA of Greater Springfield at 739-6951 or the chapter office at 617-244-1800 for course information in your area. Join us for the inaugural Greater Springfield Arthritis Walk on October 23 at Forest Park. |