The Cancer House of Hope, a Westfield and Springfield-based non-profit organization which provides free-of-charge group support for people with cancer as well as their friends and families, will hold its 8th Annual Compete Against Cancer Tennis Tournament event on Sept. 15 at Enfield Tennis Club. The event will be preceded by a tennis clinic with world renowned pro Tim Mayotte on Sept. 14 at Grande Meadows Tennis & Health Club. The tennis clinics on Sept. 14 will be $50 for the juniorclinic and $100 for the adult clinic. The tournament will be Sept. 15 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Cancer House of Hope in Westfield & Springfield This event has raised nearly $35,000 in previous years for the Cancer House of Hope. Sponsorship Opportunities are from $500 - $2,000. For more information, contact 562-0110 or 782-5500. |