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Course in stress reduction

Baystate Regional Cancer Program will offer a course in stress reduction

SPRINGFIELD The Baystate Regional Cancer Program will offer an eight-week course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction beginning Sept. 21 and ending on Nov. 9.

Mindfulness meditation, which will meet from 4-6 p.m. on Thursdays, involves cultivating nonjudgmental moment to moment awareness. In the class, participants will learn how to meditate, as well as some gentle yoga stretches. Among the topics discussed will be stress reactivity, the effects of thoughts and emotions on health and well-being, and healthy ways of coping with everyday difficulties and chronic physical conditions.

Potential benefits of mindfulness include improved self-care, a calmer body and mind, improved skill in responding to difficult situations, a reduction in some of the suffering caused by cancer, and the ability to cope effectively with stress, illness and pain.

The program is modeled on the stress reduction program founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and featured on public television with Bill Moyers.

Participants will be provided with audiotapes for daily practice.

The course is free, but a screening interview is required.

For more information, or for a screening interview, call Kathleen Kelley, LICSW, oncology social worker in the Baystate Regional Cancer Program, at 794-9702.


Baystate Medical Center will offer a free 12-week writing and support group for women who are dealing with cancer in their lives, Tuesday evenings, beginning Sept. 19 from 5-7 p.m.

"Cancer Pages" is open to women dealing with cancer in themselves or in a loved one either currently or in the past. The focus of the support group will be on using the written and spoken word as a vehicle for healing and connecting with others. Sessions will include writing exercises, the opportunity to read your words, and group discussions. No previous writing experience is necessary.

The group is facilitated by Kathleen M. Kelley, LICSW, a Baystate Medical Center oncology social worker and writer.

Registration is required by calling Kelley at 794-9702.