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Homewatch Caregivers honored twice by Home Care Pulse

Date: 2/26/2016

WEST SPRINGFIELD – Homewatch Caregivers recently announced that it has received both the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice Awards from Home Care Pulse.

These awards are granted only to the top ranking home care providers, based on client and caregiver satisfaction scores gathered by Home Care Pulse.

Homewatch Caregivers is now ranked among a small handful of home care providers across the country who have proven their ability to provide an exceptional working experience to employees and the highest quality care to clients.

“We want to congratulate Homewatch Caregivers on receiving both the Best of Home Care Provider of Choice Award and the Best of Home Care Employer of Choice Award,” Aaron Marcum, CEO and founder of Home Care Pulse, said.

“Since these awards are based on real, unfiltered feedback from clients and caregivers, Homewatch Caregivers has proven their dedication to providing a great work environment and solid training to employees, while maintaining their focus on client satisfaction. We are pleased to recognize their dedication to quality, professionalism, and expertise in home care,” she continued.

Best of Home Care providers have contracted with Home Care Pulse to gather feedback from their clients and caregivers via live phone interviews each month.

Because Home Care Pulse is an independent third-party company, it is able to collect honest and unbiased feedback.

These award-winning providers have received the highest satisfaction scores in areas such as professionalism, compassion of caregivers, training, and client/caregiver compatibility.

“This award illustrates our commitment to our caregivers in providing the support, education and training necessary to provide excellent care to our clients,” co-owner Judy Yaffe said.

“Our goal at Home Care Pulse is to empower home care businesses to deliver the best home care possible,” Aaron Marcum, CEO and founder of Home Care Pulse, added. “We are happy to recognize Homewatch Caregivers as a Best of Home Care award-winning provider and celebrate their accomplishments in building a team of happy, qualified caregivers who provide outstanding care for their clients.”

To find out more about Homewatch Caregivers commitment to excellence, please visit or call 785-1111.


Homewatch Caregivers also announced a new hire – Deborah Epstein, MPH of Northampton as the Business Development Manager for Hampshire and Franklin counties to work in tandem with Kate Tyler, M.Ed. who also works in those two counties.

Epstein comes to Homewatch CareGivers with a well-honed skill set in public relations, program development, and administration.

She has a master’s degree in public health from the UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences with special focus in health policy management and community health education.  

This complements her dual Bachelor of Arts in management and psychology from Simmons College in Boston.

She also works as a marketing and health promotion consultant for various organizations, including Orchard Medical Associates of Indian Orchard.

She brings a wealth of experience through her work for Massachusetts General Hospital, Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Baystate Medical Center, various senior centers, and as Coordinator of the Franklin-Hampshire RSVP Osteoporosis Exercise/Nutrition Program.

Epstein began her role immediately seeking out partners in the medical community who can assist Homewatch CareGivers in building alliances to better serve western mass residents in securing appropriate homecare options.
    The mission of Homewatch Caregivers is to preserve dignity, protect independence, and provide clients and their families with exceptional homecare.