Local team works to raise money for cystic fibrosis research
By Lori O' Brien
CHICOPEE 4,466 miles.
That's the distance that separates Bill McMahon of 34 Orchard St. with his cousin Meghan Gonski, 16, of Palmer, AK, who is currently fighting a valiant battle with cystic fibrosis (CF). With the help of instant messaging and the Internet, communication is swift which allows McMahon to keep Gonski abreast of his local fundraising efforts for CF.
"I got involved with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation mainly because my cousin Meghan has CF," said McMahon during an interview with Reminder Publications. "As I did more research and educated myself on this deadly disease, I realized how many people are affected by CF."
Once McMahon made a commitment to raise funds for the organization, he put together a group of friends and family members who have tirelessly volunteered their time this past year.
McMahon and his "Team CF" conducted bake sales, car washes at Brad's Citgo on Front Street, and tag sales throughout the city to raise funds for CF research. Team CF members are McMahon's wife Marie, who also serves as bookkeeper and treasurer, Lois Wenzel, Robert Wenzel, Danny Tetreault, Rachel McMahon, Roger Hamel, Tina Hamel, Steve Kowal and Maureen McMahon.
McMahon, officially a CF representative, is passionate when he talks about CF and the need to raise more money for research.
"I'm happy to help anyway I can and I have a wonderful, caring staff all working hard for CF," he said. "It saddens my heart to see a person with CF die, especially a child who hasn't experienced a full and fruitful life. They struggle with things we take for granted every day, like breathing."
McMahon also noted that he has met "some truly wonderful individuals" through his fundraising efforts this year.
"I have met other people in the Chicopee area who attended our fundraisers who have children with CF or know people who do," he added.
More than 30,000 people nationwide have CF, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, based in Bethesda, Md. In addition, more than 10 million Americans are genetic carriers. Carriers each have one copy of the defective CF gene, but do not have the disease and its symptoms. It takes two copies of the gene for a child to be born with CF.
For people with CF, the defective gene causes the body to produce a faulty protein that leads to abnormally thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and can result in fatal lung infections. The mucus also obstructs the pancreas, causing difficulty for a person to absorb nutrients in food. The median age of survival has increased from early childhood in the 1950s to the mid-30s today. At least one person dies each day from this disease.
During the winter, McMahon and Team CF will be putting the finishing touches on their first major fundraiser of 2007, a spaghetti dinner planned for March 10 at the Moose Family Center, 244 Fuller Road. Tickets will be sold at the door beginning at 5 p.m. Ticket prices will be $10 for adults, $5 for ages six to 12, and free for children under five. Highlights of the evening will include music by disc jockey Dana Collins, a 50/50 Raffle, a general raffle, and door prizes.
"We hope to raise $15,000 from the event," said McMahon, adding that local businesses have already been generous in committing food and raffle items for the benefit.
Other events planned by McMahon's Team CF in 2007 include car washes and a RockFest on Sept. 1 at the Maximum Capacity Sports Bar on Memorial Drive. Several bands have already volunteered their time for the benefit which will be conducted rain or shine.
"Our goals also include raising public awareness, raising more money and recruiting volunteers for the team," said McMahon.
McMahon is hopeful that his cousin can fight off her latest bout with CF complications and tries to keep her spirits up whenever they communicate.
"I always ask her how she's feeling and remind her she's part of this," said McMahon, adding "I always ask her for ideas for the team."
For more information on CF or to become a volunteer locally, visit www.cff.org, or call (800) FIGHT CF. You can also access Gonski's web page under www.cff.org by searching "Great Strides" and then typing in her name under the "walker" information.
For details on local events, McMahon can be reached via e-mail at CFfighter66@yahoo.com or by calling (413) 592-6248.