Perkins School for the Blind to host Western Mass. Tech ExpoDate: 3/27/2013 CHICOPEE – The Perkins School for the Blind Education Partnerships Program and Perkins Training Center will present the Fifth Annual Perkins Western Mass Tech Expo on April 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Emily L. Partyka Main Library, located at 449 Front St.
The day will feature an open house of exhibitors from the field of visual impairment and show case a range of product/service demonstrations.
This free event is especially suited to parents, students, adult consumers, special and regular educators, teachers of the visually impaired, orientation and mobility specialists, vision rehabilitation therapists, low vision rehabilitation therapists, rehabilitation counselors, career counselors, special education administrators, early intervention specialists, and anyone else interested in technology for blind and visually impaired.
Additionally, the Chicopee Public Library will have an open computer lab for attendees to explore a variety of assistive technology including JAWS Screen Reading Software, MAGic Screen Magnification, OpenBook Scanning and Reading program, Dolphin Guide Screen Reading Software and YesAccessible's TypeAbility.
This software was purchased with grant funds from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Technology Act administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.