'Pink Tea' to be served
Date: 7/19/2010
SPRINGFIELD -- Mercy Medical Center's Sister Caritas Cancer Center is partnering with the American Cancer Society for a special event designed to provide education and resource information for women who have been diagnosed with cancer.
The "Pink Tea" event will be presented in Mercy Medical Center's Deliso Conference Center on July 22, from 4 p.m. until 6pm. Caregivers are also welcome to attend.
Highlights of the "Pink Tea" include guest speakers, Reiki and massage, presentations from cancer survivors, door prize drawings, educational materials and displays, as well as tea and light refreshments.
Attendees will also learn about support services offered at the Sister Caritas Cancer Center, and about the American Cancer Society's programs and services.
The "Pink Tea" is offered at no charge and is open to all cancer survivors and caregivers.
For more information and to register, call Sara Mutch at 493-2155.