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‘Plan to Be Grand’ at JCC senior seminar

Date: 9/12/2011

SPRINGFIELD – The Baby Boomer generation and their parents have the opportunity to benefit from the Plan to Be Grand seminar at the Springfield Jewish Community Center (JCC), 1160 Dickinson St., on Sept. 20 at 7 p.m.

Whether it is a senior’s decision to move into a maintenance-free home, or for those caring for a loved one who needs support, senior living options are plentiful in Greater Springfield.

Attendees will have the opportunity to make a plan for their future now so they can remain in control. They’ll also have access to the information they need to help someone who did not plan ahead, but who could benefit from services immediately. Learn what is available, how much it will cost, and take home a copy of the Senior Living and Care Options tool kit (free for all attendees).

The speaker for this seminar, Deborah Hollingworth, LSW, is the Geriatric Resources Advisor at Greater Springfield Senior Services, and has more than 30 years experience working with seniors and their families. She will be joined by representatives from Jewish Geriatric Services and Glenmeadow Retirement, who will provide an overview of the many options available in the area.

This event is free of charge and open to the public. For more information or to register, call 739-4715.

Additional information about this program as well as other programs at the JCC is available at

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