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Women "challenge their fears"

WILBRAHAM A self defense class for women entitled "Challenge Your Fears" will be held at ValleyStone Credit Union on May 22. The event will begin at 6 p.m. for registration and the seminar will be held from 6:30 8 p.m. The evening will be about becoming aware of your surroundings, preparedness and self-defense techniques in the event you find yourself in a self-protective situation. Tyrone Jenkins, a black belt in KSDI Kaji Kempo will instruct the course. Tyrone is also a certified personal trainer and violence prevention coach.

"We realize that unfortunate and unplanned situations can occur to anyone, anywhere, at anytime," stated James P. Nagy, President/CEO of ValleyStone Credit Union.

"We feel that this is a public service to our neighbors and friends in the valley that we serve, and as they say, always be prepared," he added.

Mr. Nagy further discussed the fact that he knew of a woman who had recently been assaulted in a very public area early one evening, and that because of this situation, he appreciates the need for this type of instruction.

The event is free and open to the public. It is being held in the Community Room at ValleyStone Credit Union, 2002 Boston Road, Wilbraham, Mass. Space is limited and advance registration is required. Please call Shirley at 800-455-6328 to reserve a spot.