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Memorial Day service

Memorial Day Services will be observed in East Longmeadow on May 28. Weather permitting a short parade, placing of wreaths and formal ceremonies will be held at the high school. If the weather is inclement, modified ceremonies will be conducted inside the auditorium.

Parade participants will assemble about 10:30 a.m. at the high school parking lot. Marchers will step off at 10:50 a.m. proceeding to the high school flagpole area where local and state dignitaries will place wreaths and military honors will be conducted.

Following the outdoor program all will be invited into the auditorium for the remainder of the formal program.

Memorial Day Committee Chairman Kevin McMaster, Commander, Gunther Rowley American Legion Post 293 will be master of ceremonies. Principal speaker will be Chairman of the Board of Selectmen E. John Villamaino. Others speakers and invited guests will be Selectmen Joseph Townshend and James Driscoll, State Senator Gale Candaras, State Representatives Mary Rogeness and Angelo Puppolo, Rev. Paul R. Briggs II, Italian American Veterans Commander Felice DiMichele, Birchland Park Middle School students Joshua Rowley and Andrea Lydicki.

Other major participants will be represented by the East Longmeadow police and fire departments, veteran members of Sisto Lombardi Italian American Post 64 and Gunther Rowley American Legion Post 293, vocalist Anna Giza, organist David Fournier, Sgt.-at-Arms Ralph Rinaldi and flower bearing youngsters under the direction of Laura Rollins.

Working members of the Memorial Day Committee are Co-Chairmen Kevin McMaster and Felice DiMichele as well as ITAM members A. Ronald Davis and Peter Verteramo and Gunther Rowley American Legion Post 293 members Cedric W. Hastings, Russell R. Rennell and William L. Speight.

All veterans graves in East Longmeadow will have the United States flags in place prior to Memorial Day under the direction of Town Veterans Graves Officer.

Memorial Day Program

All parade participants and marching units will start forming at 10:30 a.m. at the high school parking lot on May 28. Step off will be at 10:50 a.m.

Proceeding to the flag pole area where posting of the colors by Vice Commanders of American Legion Post 293 and Italian American Veterans Post 64 will take place. Placing of wreaths by Selectmen and military honors will be conducted by Sgt-at-Arms Ralph Rinaldi with volleys of the firing squad. Taps and echo taps will be performed by high school band.

Immediately following the outdoor ceremonies, all will be invited to proceed into the high school auditorium for the formal portion of the program.

Welcome Address: Kevin McMaster, Commander, Gunther-Rowley American Legion Post 293.

National Anthem sung by Anna Giza accompanied by organist David Fournier.

Invocation Rev. Paul R. Briggs, II, rector of St. Mark's Church.

Introductions Commander Kevin McMaster.

Governor's Proclamation read by Italian American Veterans Post 64 Commander Felice DiMichele.

Gen. Logan's Orders recited by Birchland Park Middle School student Joshua Rowley.

In Flanders Field by John McCrae recited by Birchland Park Middle School student Andrea Lydicki.

Principal speaker Chairman of the Board of Selectmen E. John Villamanio.

Special Remembrances reading of names of deceased East Longmeadow war veterans by Selectman Joseph Townshend and a requested moment of silence by Selectman James Driscoll. Laura Rollins will direct children carrying flowers to honor our deceased veterans.

Greetings State Senator Gale Candaras.

Musical selection high school band under the direction of James Kiernan.

Greetings State Representatives Rogeness and Puppolo.

Musical Selection Anna Giza and organist David Fournier.

Benediction Rev. Paul R. Briggs II.

Program conclusion Commander Kevin McMaster

Departing musical selection East Longmeadow High School band.