Date: 7/25/2022
WESTERN MASS. – While state Sen. Eric Lesser may still be seen as the third-place finisher in the lieutenant governor race according to polls, a revelation last week has the potential of shaking up that race a bit.
Matt Murphy of the State House News Service reported, “The formation of a new super PAC to support Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll’s campaign for lieutenant governor drew condemnation [July 20] from one of Driscoll’s main rivals – Sen. Eric Lesser – over the expected support from a wealthy real estate investor and GOP donor. The Leadership for Mass Super PAC, chaired by former legislator and Braintree Mayor Joe Sullivan, filed paperwork July 19 to get involved in the three-way primary for lieutenant governor with just seven weeks until Election Day.
“Super PACs can accept unlimited donations, but are prohibited from coordinating directly with a campaign. The Boston Globe first reported on the efforts and the likelihood that Leadership for Mass will be backed by Christopher Collins, the co-founder of the real estate investment company First Atlantic LLC and major donor to national Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He also donated more than $50,000 to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign and has given to prominent state Democrats like Attorney General Maura Healey, U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan and Attorney General candidate Andrea Campbell.
“‘The financial backer of this super PAC has a long history of funding right-wing U.S. senators and governors who are eliminating reproductive rights, blocking common-sense gun safety laws, and setting us back decades in our effort to fight climate change. This type of interference has no place in Massachusetts. Our commonwealth deserves a lieutenant governor untainted by right wing special interests,’ Lesser said in a statement.
“An organizer with the new super PAC confirmed that Collins supports Driscoll’s campaign and is expected to contribute, though how much remains to be seen. Keyser Public Strategies, led by one of Gov. Charlie Baker’s senior political advisors Will Keyser and his wife Eileen O’Connor, will be the lead consultant to the super PAC. Sullivan, who worked closely with Driscoll as a metro mayor for 12 years, called Driscoll a ‘transformational leader who improves the lives of the people of Salem, and is a terrific partner and sounding board to her fellow mayors.’
"'As lieutenant governor, she will bring her proven brand of leadership and experience to the entire commonwealth and will be a great partner to Maura Healey,’ Sullivan said in a statement.
“Lesser told supporters last week that he was filming a television ad on Friday and preparing to go on air soon as mail-in ballot applications have begun arriving at voters’ homes.
“At the end of June, the Longmeadow Democrat had nearly $1.1 million in his campaign account to Driscoll’s $276,341. The third Democrat in the race – Rep. Tami Gouveia – reported just $55,414 in cash on hand, but recently received an infusion of public financing dollars that would more than double the size of her bank account.”
Juan Gallego, Driscoll’s campaign manager, told Reminder Publishing, “Our campaign has no involvement in this independent organization, so we can’t comment on its structure or focus. We remain 100 percent focused on growing our grassroots campaign, which has been funded by people across the commonwealth, and building a broad coalition based on shared values and vision for our state. We are proud to have earned more than 240 endorsements from local leaders and of our robust, grassroots donor base with over 95 percent of donors living in Massachusetts. Kim is looking forward to continuing to travel to cities and towns across our commonwealth in these final six weeks to talk about her candidacy and how she can serve working families in Massachusetts.”
He added there have been “no contributions and no coordination” from the PAC.
Driscoll recently received the endorsement of Springfield City Council President Jesse Lederman, City Council Vice President Melvin Edwards, At-Large City Councilor Sean Curran, and At-Large School Committeewoman LaTonia Monroe Naylor.
Lesser released the following statement on July 20; “Earlier today, the Boston Globe reported on the formation of a Super PAC funded by Mitch McConnell supporter and GOP mega-donor Chris Collins, created to back Mayor Kim Driscoll in the Democratic primary for lieutenant governor.
“Why is a Republican mega-donor who bankrolled Mitch McConnell stepping in to support Kim Driscoll with unlimited, potentially undisclosed donations?” Lesser said.