Reminder Assistant Editor LONGMEADOW This will be the first year of the Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) Cross-Crestview Race, and race director Bruce Leshine said his goal for the number of runners and walkers is one more than last year "so this year's goal in that respect would be one." "[Our goal] for the race is to raise some money for and awareness of JGS and what it does in the local running community for when we're no longer running," Leshine added. Susan Halpern, director of development at JGS, said the organization is always looking for new and fun ways to involve people and raise money for programs. The five-mile race will be taking place in conjunction with the annual Kinsler Classic Golf Outing. "It's appealing because it's a beautiful golf course that's not usually open to runners," Halpern said. (Crestview Country Club is located in Agawam.) She described this first race as a "maiden voyage" for JGS. Halpern said she's hoping for 20 to 30 runners, but isn't sure what the turn out will be because the race is taking place on June 30, a Monday morning. "I feel okay that it might be a slow start," she said. "That means we can only go up from there." Registration will begin at 6:30 a.m. the day of the race, which will be open to both runners and walkers. A T-shirt and a full breakfast will be included in the registration fee of $50, $38.75 of which is tax deductible. The proceeds of the Cross-Crestview Race and the golf outing will be split. Half will go toward nursing scholarships for nurses at JGS, "because investing in our staff makes this a better place of employment and provides better service," according to Halpern. The other half will help purchase high-low beds for JGS, which are safer for residents because of their adjustable heights. "What separates this race from similar races is just that there is NO similar race in the area to this one," Leshine said. "And my hope is that the take-away for the runners is the experience of running in a beautiful park-like setting in the early morning without the disturbance of any cars or other typical running distractions so that they can think, peacefully, about whatever they like, and also maybe about our own approaching 'seniority' and the things that JGS does for seniors in our area." To learn more about the Cross-Crestview Race or to register, visit |