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Residents want to vote on override

By Natasha Clark

Reminder Assistant Editor

LONGMEADOW At last week's Annual Town Meeting, more than 437 people were divided among a gymnasium, cafeteria and auditorium inside of Longmeadow High School.

Of the 32 articles on this year's warrant, 11 were defeated.

Town Moderator Ron Hastie wasted no time starting the meeting, and after the Pledge of Allegiance, announcements and the first few articles (which were quickly passed), the Finance Committee made an amendment to Article 7.

Currently the Moderator, Select Board and Assessors receive compensation. Mark Barowsky, of the Finance Committee, recommended that the Moderator's, Select Board and Assessors' salary be reduced to zero dollars.

The Finance Committee proposed the option as a cost saving measure, adding that the Town Manager costs the town $90,000 and has taken over many of the Select Board's duties, so the town should "eliminate all compensation."

Select Board Chair Hal Haberman, who said initially he had not planned to respond to the amendment said that "it's a ridiculous item to go after."

Kathleen Grady, of the Select Board, also noted that if the motion passed, Longmeadow would be the only town of its size that did not offer compensation.

"This is small potatoes," added town resident Joe Daly.

The motion was defeated.

One of the most heavily debated articles of the evening was the School Department's amendment which proposed a $2,689,951 override be placed on the ballot at the next election, in a three- tiered option format.

And while the Finance Committee applauded the work of the School Committee members and superintendent, they opposed that increase. The Finance Committee instead suggested a $560,000 increase for FY06.

In an attempt to be fair to all voters, Hastie had previously decided that each person was allowed two minutes of speaking time. However, the superintendent did not finish his presentation in two minutes.

School Committee Member Jessica Hutchins asked that the superintendent be allocated another minute, but to no avail.

A member of the audience made a motion to allow the superintendent 10 minutes of talking time, and giving the Finance Committee the same amount of time to have their say.

Hastie concluded, with the help of Town Counsel, that a motion could be made on an amendement or article, but not the rulings set by the moderator.

Soon residents were approaching the microphone and yielding their speaking time and requesting to give the superintendent their two minutes.

Hastie declined this request as well.

Eventually Finance Committee member Paul Santaniello rose and asked Hastie to "kindly" allow both sides to speak, noting that they were dealing with a "$25 million budget," in which Hastie finally complied.

One of the major concerns the Finance Committee had with the School Committee's budget was salaries. The Committee felt the School Department was being too generous.

The School Department's amendment passed, and residents will have the opportunity to vote on the Proposition 2 1/2 override May 24.