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Cloutier and Schenker honored by Lions Club

SOUTH HADLEY Lions Normand F. Cloutier and William Schenker have been elected to the South Hadley Lions Club Hall of Fame. They were elected by the current members of the Hall of Fame who were chosen in the past for their outstanding service to the South Hadley Lions Club. This brings the South Hadley Lions Club Hall of Fame total to 19 members.

Cloutier has been a member of the Lions Club since 2001 and has been Treasurer of the club since 2002. He is a very active and dedicated member who can be seen at all of the Lions Club functions.

Schenker has been a member of the Lions Club off and on for many years and most recently since 2003. He co-chaired the monthly spaghetti suppers for three years and was instrumental in beginning the Irish Night as a Lions Club fundraiser. He co-chairs that committee also.