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Granby census packets mailed out; town prepares for Special Meeting

GRANBY Mailing for the annual town census has been mailed out. Please answer this mailing by Jan. 15.

Compliance with this State requirement provides proof of residence, to protect voting rights, veteran's bonus, housing for the elderly and related benefits. Your co-operation with this mailing is greatly appreciated. If you have not received a census form, please call the Clerk's office.

Are you a registered voter? If you are not a registered voter and you are 18 or older by Jan. 31, and would like to participate at the Special Town Meeting that will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 31, the last day to register for this meeting will be Friday, Jan. 20. Voter registration will run from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

A Special Town Meeting wil be held on January 31 at the Granby Jr./Sr. High School in the cafeteria at 7 p.m. Warrant articles are available at the Town Hall. The warrant has been posted for viewing at the Town Hall, Granby Post Office, Granby Public Library, Dressel Service Station, Center Pharmacy, and Granby Council on Aging.

Public Notice: The Board of Selectmen will hold a public hearing on proposed changes in the Town of Granby's general by-laws on Wednesday, January 18 at 7 p.m. in the East Meadow School Cafeteria. This is a good opportunity for people to ask questions before the vote is taken at the Town Meeting on Tuesday, January 31.

Any questions or concerns can be directed to Kathy Kelly-Regan at the Granby Town Clerks Office at 467-7178.