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Link to Libraries supports early reading

Date: 9/7/2011

Sept. 7, 2011

By G. Michael Dobbs

Managing Editor

SPRINGFIELD — Last week, the kindergarten class at the Kensington Avenue School in Springfield was the first one to receive a book bag and book from Link to Libraries as part of a new “Welcome to Kindergarten” program that encourages parents to read with their children.

Susan Jaye Kaplan, the founder of Link to Libraries, explained the “Read Together” package of a book bag, book, parenting tips and a gift certificate to Friendly’s is initially going to eight schools in Springfield and 800 students.

Kaplan is hoping to receive funding to distribute a “Read Together” bag to the rest of the new kindergarten students this school year in January.

The funders for this initial distribution are Excel Dryer, United Bank Foundation, Irene and George Davis Foundation and Rediker Software.

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