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Wellness policy

Detailed below is the policy as provided by the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School Committee.


Policy Intent/Rationale:

The Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. The District supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. Schools contribute to the basic health status of children by facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Improved health optimizes student performance potential and ensures that no child is left behind.

The following guidelines are geared toward teaching children and families to make better choices. We encourage parents to follow these guidelines as much as possible.

The intent is to have teachers, administrators and staff act as facilitators of the guidelines addressed in this policy, rather than enforcers. The emphasis will be on educating families and staff to voluntarily make better choices.

The goals of this policy are to:

A. Provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors.

The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence a student's understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity.

B. Support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to students' health status and academic performance.

All foods available on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities are encouraged to meet or exceed the district nutrition standards. Emphasis should be placed on foods that are nutrient dense per calorie. To ensure high quality, nutritious meals, foods should be served with consideration toward variety, appeal, taste, safety, and packaging.

C. Provide more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.

A quality physical education program is an essential component for all students to learn about and participate in physical activity. Physical activity should be included in a school's education program from grades pre-K through 12. Physical activity should include regular instructional physical education, in accordance with The Massachusetts Physical Education Framework, as well as co-curricular activities, and recess.

D. Establish and maintain a district-wide Wellness Committee with the purposes of:

developing guidance to explicate this policy

monitoring the implementation of this policy

evaluating policy progress

serving as a resource to school sites

revising policy as necessary

Responsibilities of the Wellness Committee may include, but not be limited to, oversight of the following:

Implementation of district nutrition and physical activity standards

Integration of nutrition and physical activity in the overall curriculum

Assurance that staff professional development includes nutrition and physical activity issues

Assurance that students receive nutrition education and engage in vigorous physical activity

Pursuance of contracts with outside vendors that encourage healthful eating. value.

Ensure consistent healthful choices among all school venues that involve the sale of food.


The School Breakfast/Lunch Programs:

The full meal school breakfast and lunch programs will continue to follow the USDA Requirements for Federal School Meals Programs.

The School Food Service Program provider will strive to follow the Mass Action for Healthy Kids Nutrition Standards when determining the items in a la carte and "competitive foods" sales.

- A la carte and "competitive foods" items that do not meet the Mass Action for Healthy Kids Nutrition Standards may be acceptable when offered on a very infrequent, intermittent basis.

Cafeteria Environment:

A cafeteria environment that provides students with a relaxed, enjoyable climate shall be developed.

The cafeteria environment is a place where students have:

Adequate space to eat and clean, pleasant surroundings;

Adequate time to eat meals.

Convenient access to hand washing or hand sanitizing facilities before meals.


All fund-raising projects that occur on school grounds, where the sale of the product will result in the consumption of the product before or during the instructional day must follow the Mass Action for Healthy Kids Nutrition Standards when determining the items being sold.

All Fund raising projects for sale and consumptions after the instructional day are strongly encouraged to follow the Mass Action for Healthy Kids Nutrition Standards.

Organizations operating concessions at school functions will be encouraged to include healthy food choices in their offerings. It is recommended that groups market these healthy options at a reasonable price to encourage selection by students.

Teacher-to-Student Incentive:

The use of food items as part of a student incentive program is strongly discouraged. Should teachers feel compelled to utilize food items as an incentive, they are required to adhere to the Mass action for Healthy Kids Nutrition Standards.

Classroom Parties/Group Snack:

At the elementary level, there should be one parent or volunteer from each classroom/organization in charge of making sure a variety of foods, including healthy foods, are offered at school/classroom functions.

It is recommended that candy not be sent to school for group consumption- for example in goody bags for birthdays, valentines day, etc

Only 100% juice, milk or water will be available at school functions to students at the elementary and middle school level.

It is recommended that classroom parties for holidays and other special occasions be limited to one dessert item, with the emphasis on low fat or healthier baked goods.

Parents from the appropriate grade levels will be provided with a list of suggested healthy snacks to send in for group snack or parties.

It is recommended that birthdays are celebrated with non-food items (such as pencils, stickers, donating a book to the school library). If a parent wishes to celebrate a birthday with a food item, they are encouraged to select something from a list of healthy alternatives provided to households at the beginning of the year.

Food Allergies:

It is recognized by the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District that food allergies can pose a serious risk to certain students; therefore the following recommendations have been developed.

Food sent in to school for the consumption of more than one student can not contain nuts or nut oils.

The school may prohibit specific food products from entering the classroom or may prohibit home baked food items from celebrations.

A peanut free eating area will be provided in each school as needed.

Information about students' food allergies will be kept in the classroom. These foods will not be used for class projects, arts, crafts, science experiments, cooking or other projects.

With parental permission, a letter will be sent home with classmates to inform families of specific classroom allergies and restrictions.

Student Nutrition Education:

The Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District has a comprehensive curriculum approach to nutrition in Kindergarten through 12th grade The health benefits of good nutrition should be emphasized. These nutritional themes include but are not limited to:

Knowledge of the Food Guide Pyramid

Healthy heart choices

Sources & variety of foods

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Diet and disease

Understanding calories

Healthy snacks

Healthy breakfast

Healthy diet

Food labels

Major nutrients

Multicultural influences

Identify and limit foods of low nutrient density Serving sizes

The district nutrition policy reinforces nutrition education to help students practice these themes in a supportive school environment.

Healthy Lifestyle/Family Activity Information:

Healthy lifestyle information will be provided to parents beginning at the elementary level.

This information may be provided in the form of handouts, postings on the district website, articles and information provided in district or school newsletters and through any other appropriate means available for reaching parents.

Staff Nutrition & Physical Activity Education:

With the purposes of:

Encouraging all school staff to improve their own personal health and wellness

Improving staff morale

Creating positive role modeling

Building the commitment of staff to promote the health of students

Building the commitment of staff to help improve the school nutrition and physical activity environment.

Nutrition and physical activity education opportunities will be provided to all school staff at the elementary, middle and high school levels. These educational opportunities may include, but not be limited to, the distribution of educational and informational materials and the arrangement of presentations and workshops that focus on nutritional value and healthy lifestyles, health assessments, fitness activities, and other appropriate nutrition and physical activity-related topics.


Nutrition Standards Intent/Rationale:

The Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District strongly encourages the sale or distribution of nutrient dense foods for all school functions and activities. Nutrient dense foods are those foods that provide students with calories rich in the nutrient content needed to be healthy. In an effort to support the consumption of nutrient dense foods in the school setting, the district has adopted the following nutrition standards governing the sale of food, beverage, and candy on school grounds. Schools are encouraged to study these standards and develop building policy using the following District Nutrition Standards as minimal guidelines.


Encourage the consumption of nutrient dense foods, i.e. whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Foods not included in a USDA approved meal pattern for sale prior to the start of the school day and throughout the instructional day, will have no more than 30% of its total calories derived from fat.

Foods not included in a USDA approved meal pattern for sale prior to the start of the school day and throughout the instructional day, will have no more that 10% of its total calories derived from saturated fat.

Nuts and seeds with minimal added fat in processing (no more than 3 grams of added fat per 1.75 ounce or less package size) are exempt from these standards because they are nutrient dense and contain high levels of monounsaturated fat.

Sales of candy will not be permitted on school grounds during the instructional day. Sales of candy after the instructional day will be strongly discouraged. The high school store will, as part of their business plan, examine the availability and profitability of alternatives to items that, while not primarily sold as candy, have a high sugar content such as breath mints. These items will be reviewed annually by the wellness committee to ensure that the spirit of the policy is being implemented.


In the Elementary schools, only milk and 100% juice or water in 8 oz or less will be offered. Milk is required for all lunches. 100% juice or water may be offered in 8 oz or less for sale on an a la carte basis

In the middle schools, only milk or 100% juice in 12 oz containers or less, or water in any size will be offered. Milk is required for all lunches. 100% juice in 12 oz containers or less or water in any size may be offered for sale on an a la carte basis.

In the high school, beverages in 12 oz containers or less will be offered. Milk, water or flavored waters can be sold in any size. The emphasis will be on offering milk, water and 100% juice products. Soda will not be sold to students during the school day.

The sale of soda to students after school will be discouraged and eliminated by the end of the 2008 school year, when the present contract expires.

Booster clubs and other parent and student organizations will be encouraged to include water, juice and lower calorie non-carbonated beverages at athletic and special events after school hours.


District Physical Activity Goal:

The Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District shall provide physical activity and physical education opportunities, aligned with the Massachusetts Education Framework, that provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead a physically active lifestyle.

The Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District shall utilize the following Implementation Strategies:

Physical education classes and physical activity opportunities will be available for all students.

Physical activity opportunities shall be offered daily during or after school. These opportunities could include recess, physical education class, athletics or intramural programs.

As recommended by the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), school leaders of physical activity and physical education shall guide students through a process that will enable them to achieve and maintain a high level of personal fitness through the following:

Expose youngsters to a wide variety of physical activities

Teach physical skills to help maintain a lifetime of health and fitness

Encourage self-monitoring so youngsters can see how active they are and set their own goals

Individualize intensity of activities

Focus feedback on process of doing your best rather than on product

Be active role models

Introduce developmentally appropriate components of a health-related fitness assessment, (e.g. FitnessGram, Physical Best or President's Council) to the students at an early age to prepare them for future assessments.

5. Beginning in Middle School and through High School, administer a health-related fitness assessment with students. Students shall receive results and use this as a baseline in understanding their own level of fitness, creating fitness goals and plans, and logging activities identified to achieve the goals. Logs should include day, time, type and length of activity, whether the activity was done alone or with others, and how the student felt before and after the activity.

6. Make students aware of the NASPE's goals for physical activity beginning at the elementary level. The most current guidelines from NASPE will serve as appropriate guidelines when possible.