Quorum approves all articles during quick Town Meeting
Date: 11/16/2009
vBy Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor
HAMPDEN -- The town's Special Town Meeting was short but sweet last Monday evening -- a quorum of voters approved seven warrant articles in less than 10 minutes.
The meeting was short about 15 voters at the official start time of 7 p.m., so Town Moderator Robert Howarth urged those in attendance to call their friends and neighbors and ask them to come to Thornton W. Burgess Middle School to take part in the meeting.
Voters approved the use of $7,000 from unappropriated available funds for Fire Department building maintenance and repairs and $10,000 for the purchase of protective equipment for firefighters.
A total of $28,808.93 was approved for Town House maintenance and repair, which will include replacement of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
The article regarding Community Preservation Committee projects included two motions: one for $12,000 in Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding for roof repair and the repointing of chimneys at Academy Hall, the other to place $7,000 each in the reserves for historic preservation, community housing and open space. Both motions were approved.
Voters approved using $20,000 from unappropriated available funds to make various building repairs, including re-roofing the salt shed, block work restoration and other maintenance work.
Additionally, voters approved a motion for $9,500 to be used for field review work done by the Board of Assessors.
The final article on the warrant asked voters to transfer $100,000 from available funds into the Stabilization Account. Voters unanimously approved.