ReVampit makes bid for Grange Hall with plans for single family home
Date: 11/26/2012
By Chris Maza
chrism@thereminder.comWILBRAHAM The bidding process for the Grange Hall property located on Main Street yielded just one offer, which was opened at the Board of Selectmen's Nov. 20 meeting.
ReVampit LLC Home Buyers and Renovators, a company headquartered at 299 Mountain Road put in a bid of $50,555 for the property.
"The bid indicates that they wish to purchase it as a single-family home," Town Administrator Robert Weitz told the Board of Selectmen.
According to its website, ReVampit has been in business for six years and owner Joe LaFreniere has 20 years' worth of experience in construction and remodeling. He currently has properties for sale in Southwick, Springfield and West Springfield and has sold renovated homes throughout Hampden and Hampshire county communities including Wilbraham, Chicopee, Springfield and Belchertown.
Gaining approval to do so after a Town Meeting vote, the town engaged in a bidding process after it was unable to develop a plan to re-use the property as a public building.
In addition to the fact that it does not meet current Americans with Disabilities Act standards, the building is in serious disrepair.
A study and analysis of the building performed by the Concerned Citizens of Wilbraham determined that, depending on its use, it would cost between $250,000 and $400,000 to bring the building up to code.
Among the improvements needed according the report, are replacement of the front steps, porch, all windows, roof shingles, first-floor floorboards, interior plaster and asbestos floor tiles in the basement.
The building's support columns in the cellar were deemed inadequate and the entire building is in need of re-wiring. The kitchen and bathrooms are also in need of complete renovations.
There is also no room for a driveway of any kind.
With the bid now in, Weitz, along with Planning Director John Pearsall and Building Inspector Lance Trevallion, will evaluate the bid and make a determination on a recommendation for the Board of Selectmen.
Should the selectmen elect to turn down the bid, the building could go to another bidding process or it could be razed, as the study of the building stated that "the building should not be allowed to languish and deteriorate further while becoming an increasing danger to the adjacent structures."