The Wilbraham Board of Selectmen voted to call the 2007 Annual Town Meeting for May 14 beginning at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of Minnechaug Regional High School and continuing to May 15, if necessary. The Annual Town Elections will be held on May 19. Wilbraham has an "Open Town Meeting" form of government under which all registered voters may vote on questions placed before the meeting. Participants usually act on the town's upcoming fiscal year budget and other financial matters, appoint and set salaries for various municipal officials and set policy on the other items placed on the warrant by the Selectmen or petitioned by citizens. Residents may add articles to the warrant by making requests to the Board of Selectmen or by submitting formal petitions containing signatures of 10 or more registered voters. Petitioned articles and requests for the Board to add articles will be accepted through Feb. 28. Selectmen called the Annual Town Elections for May 19. The polls will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Voters will choose one Selectman, Assessor, Cemetery Commissioner, Housing Authority Director, Planning Board Member, Regional School Committee Member and Water Commissioner, two Library Trustees and two Cemetery Commissioners. |