Water for Wilbraham
Date: 6/7/2010
June 7, 2010.By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor
WILBRAHAM -- The town's Water Department and the Water Commissioners worked together for nearly three years and used nearly $1 million to meet Department of Environmental Protection regulations regarding the corrosion of pipes. The groups unveiled the new corrosion control facility on Miller Street in Ludlow last week. The facility was up and running by April 10. It can handle up to three million gallons a day; Water Department Superintendent Mike Framarin said Wilbraham averages 1.1 million a day.
"It's rewarding to get to this point," Department of Public Works Superintendent Ed Miga said. "A lot of work has gone into this."
Sodium silicate is put into the water at the facility to prevent the water from wearing away at pipes throughout town.