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Energy audits benefit AHA residents

Date: 2/22/2012

Feb. 22, 2012

By Debbie Gardner

AGAWAM — Thirty residents of the Agawam Housing Authority's (AHA) Country View property at 95 North Westfield St. in Feeding Hills received new, more energy efficient Kenmore refrigerators last Friday morning as part of a weatherization program provided through Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECo).

According to Maureen Cayer, executive director for the AHA, the delivery was one more piece of an ongoing project to increase the energy efficiency of a number of residential units at al the AHA properties.

"We have been part of an overall energy audit in conjunction with Western Mass electric and Springfield Partners [for Community Action]," Cayer said, adding that the results indicated the AHA was eligible for a number of improvements, including "new lights that were more energy efficient [and] new refrigerators" if the individual was eligible, as well as weatherization of windows and doors and in some cases, additional attic insulation. The work, which Cayer said is still ongoing at some properties, began in November. Individuals working for the Springfield Partners are performing the actual upgrades.

Deborah Sas, program administrator for WMECo's Energy Savings Program told Reminder Publications the work performed at the AHA is part of a statewide utility program to provide energy efficiency upgrades for non-profit housing organizations. It is administered through the electric and natural gas companies. In Western Massachusetts, WMECo provides energy upgrades for non-profit multi-family residential units heated by electricity.

She said WMECo's energy efficiency programs are funded by a charge on customers' monthly utility bills. Qualifying non-profit housing organizations, such as the AHA, may have services provided at no charge for energy efficiency upgrades. She added that WMECo has "residential, commercial and industrial [weatherization] programs."

"We have something for everyone!" Sas said.

In addition to the interior upgrades, Sas said WMECo also assisted the AHA with more energy efficient exterior lighting. The Weatherization Program typically provides compact lighting, refrigerator replacements for qualifying units, faucet aerators and low-flow shower heads. Based upon recommendations from an audit of the building, other measures such as attic air sealing and insulation may be provided as well.

"We do not want to miss any opportunities to save energy," Sas said.

She said WMECo has weatherization programs to fit every size customer, and encouraged interested individuals to visit the Mass Save website at as well as for more information about weatherization for individual and multi-family properties as well as business holdings.

Individuals who own or manage non-profit multi-family housing interested in the Weatherization Programs can call at 1-800-388-9727 for more information.

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