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Amherst awarded $825,000 in CDBG funding from DHCD

Date: 3/8/2022

AMHERST – The town of Amherst recently announced it was awarded $825,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). DHCD has made 45 awards across the state through a competitive application process for the 2021 CDBG program.

CDBG funding can be used for a variety of projects that benefit low- and moderate-income residents such as housing, public infrastructure improvements and social services. In a press release, the town acknowledged the hard work of the CDBG Advisory Committee for reviewing and recommending project proposals, the agencies that submitted applications, and the public that offered support.

Amherst CDBG funding will be used to support projects such as the Amherst Survival Center Food Pantry, youth mentoring with Big Brothers Big Sisters, adult education offered by The Literacy Project, family stabilization services with Family Outreach of Amherst and funding to Amherst Community Connections to assist those in experiencing homelessness.

The 2021 CDBG program will also support the development of a trail system on Hickory Ridge that connects the East Hadley Road neighborhood with the Pomeroy Village Center, new accessible sidewalks and crosswalks along Kellogg Avenue, and exterior improvements to units at the Amherst Housing Authority.

“Community Development Block Grants have been critical to our efforts to support communities across the commonwealth,” said Gov. Charlie Baker in the state’s announcement.

Amherst is currently looking for volunteers from Amherst to join the Amherst CDBG Advisory Committee. The seven-member committee meets every one to two months to oversee the public process to identify service priorities, target areas, and review of applications and project implementation. Those interested can submit an application at

The CDBG Advisory Committee is also seeking public input on service priorities for the 2022-2023 funding year. Those interested can also visit to answer their short survey.