Date: 9/26/2023
AMHERST — As the final list of candidates is readied, the League of Women Voters will be hosting their upcoming candidate forums to allow those seeking office to present their platforms to the public.
Races under considerable watch this year are multiple positions within the Town Council, the School Committee and the Jones Library Board of Trustees.
League member Patricia Farrington says a moderator will read questions submitted by members of the community at the forums, which will take place on successive Thursdays, Oct. 5 for Town Council candidates and Oct. 12 for School Committee and Library Trustees from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Amherst Middle School Auditorium.
“We have tables set up outside the auditorium so candidates can leave any [printed] information about their candidacy,” Farrington said. “When they’re [candidates] not on the stage answering questions, they can go out into the hallway and talk with anybody who is out there and wants to ask them questions.”
Those running unopposed will not be invited to speak at the forum.
“It’s casual but there’s certain rules and limits so that everybody has an equal chance,” Farrington said.
Several recent resignations have left vacancies on the school committee while positions within the Town Council and Library Trustees are also open.
The biennial town election is Nov. 7 with polling open from 7 a.m. to 8p .m.
Voter registration ends at 5 p.m. on Oct.27.
The deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot is 5 p.m. on Oct 31 and they must be received by the close of the polls.
The league is also preparing their annual Voter’s Guide for distribution.