Date: 5/11/2021
EASTHAMPTON – For the second year, Easthampton Council on Aging (COA) is partnering with Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) and Park Hill Orchards to offer free fruit shares for seniors this summer.
The program lasts seven weeks and provides seniors with cartons of seasonal fresh fruit from Park Hill Orchards. It’s entirely free for seniors.
Jenna Ferguson, outreach coordinator at the COA said they only did five shares last year, but are hoping to do 10 this year.
Fruit recipients are chosen through a lottery system. Ferguson said before the program begins, one big drawing will take place to see who the winners are.
Seniors may apply to be entered into the drawing.
In addition, Ferguson said, “Through our outreach, Medicare, Medicaid, we screen them for this to see if they are interested.”
One application is required per person and one is allowed per household.
Ferguson said, “Last year, this was a hard program to advertise but this year we are advertising.”
Advertising is done through the COA’s Silver Circle newsletter and on their Facebook page.
The COA hopes to begin this in May, however they have not yet worked everything out with Park Hill Orchards, claimed Ferguson.
“I’ve had conversations with CISA and want to expand more,” said Ferguson. With this, she is hoping to continue to provide to seniors in any way possible, along with hopefully increasing the shares.
She said, “Fruit is essential. It brightens people's day.”
Ferguson and the COA hope they can eliminate any expenses for people if possible.
For additional information, visit