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Veterans lunch program in Easthampton offers food, fellowship

Date: 11/13/2023

EASTHAMPTON — After a successful start to the monthly veterans’ lunches, the program looks to continue supporting veterans by sharing meals and community.

“We believe strongly in the healing power of community and connection,” explained Thea Faust, the suicide prevention, community engagement and partnerships coordinator for the Veterans Affairs of Central and Western Massachusetts Healthcare System. “We want to create a space for veterans to nourish their bodies and hearts through good food and friendly conversation.”

Faust noted that the response to the meals so far has been incredible. The Easthampton Police Department donated the first two months of meals and Easthampton Congregation Church has donated the space and its partnership, all of which Faust is incredibly grateful for.

“The response has been truly inspiring,” said Faust. “We had approximately 35 veterans at our first meal and hope the momentum builds.”

The meals began as a collaboration between Building Bridges and the Easthampton Coalition for Veteran Wellness. Building Bridges is a network of 15 sites across four New England states that works to address veteran social isolation, depression and suicide by building communities of support and healing. Formed almost a year ago, the Easthampton Coalition is a collaboration of private and public agencies and individuals to support the health and wellness of Easthampton veterans.

“Building Bridges have made bringing these meals to Easthampton incredibly smooth. They are a real joy to work with” said Faust. “The volunteers from Building Bridges and the coalition have given so much of their time and effort to bring these meals to town and make them a success.”

Up next is the Dec. 6 holiday meal and continuing to organize volunteers and meal sponsorships within the community.

“This has been a product of the hard work of many people. I want to thank those folks who work tirelessly to show up, respond thoughtfully to emails and requests, and reach out to invite others to join us in our work,” explained Faust. “You may not read their names in the paper, but they are there, working diligently to make initiatives like this a success and it is an honor to work with them.”

The lunches will continue to take place on the first Wednesday of each month at noon at Easthampton Congregational Church, located at 112 Main St. The food is provided by Building Bridges through donations and meals sponsorships by individuals and businesses.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering or sponsoring a meal can reach out to for more information.