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‘Whobalation’ kicks off holiday season at Millside Park in Easthampton

Date: 11/28/2022

EASTHAMPTON – On Dec. 4, the Easthampton Community Center are having their ninth annual Easthampton Holiday Whobalation on Millside Park from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The Grinch and Santa Claus will arrive on a special sleigh for pictures and join in with families around the Christmas tree to sing the Whoville Song.

The Easthampton Community Center provides services and assistance to residents of the Greater Easthampton area. At the Community Center, they have a Food Pantry, Gluten/Allergy Free Pantry and clothing closet to support their neighbors in need of assistance. Executive Director Robin Bialecki said, “We ask people that come to the Whobalation to bring an unwrapped toy or stocking stuffer to place under the tree. All of the gifts are distributed to children in the surrounding area.”

Nine years ago, Fahn Miner and Elaine Wood, who are active at many community events and are always supportive of events at the Community Center, came up with the idea of having a flash mob and and having people bring toys. Many in Easthampton feel that the city is the model for Whoville in Dr Seuss’ book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

“It has been researched but never proven the mountain is Mt. Tom, but the valley below certainly appears to look like Easthampton,” Bialecki explained. The center decided to call the event a Whobalation celebrating the Grinch and the spirit of giving.

There used to be a parade for Santa, but it stopped four years ago.

Bialecki thought because the Grinch’s heart has grown so big that perhaps they should put the Grinch and Santa together.

“The Holiday Whobulation event has become a staple in Easthampton,” Bialecki said. “We have so many people that call to find out when it’s going to be. It’s such a wonderful sense of community.”

She continued, “We try very hard here at the center to promote community and working together. We try to keep a large community effort going on and this event is one way for the community to get together knowing that the toys they bring will be distributed here through our food pantry to children in need.”

For questions on the event, call the Eashampton Community Center directly at 527-5240.