Angels take flight in Springfield April 28
Date: 4/9/2012
April 9, 2012By Chris Maza
chrism@thereminder.comGREATER SPRINGFIELD Those who find themselves at Forest Park on the morning of April 28 could find themselves surrounded by guardian angels.
Angels Take Flight, a non-profit organization aimed at helping at-risk children, will be hosting its first-ever 5K walk-run to raise money for the program that provides dignity to children in at-risk situations.
One of Angels Take Flight's biggest focuses is giving proper luggage to children who are forced to move into group homes.
"For years, I had witnessed at-risk children going from home to home carrying their belongings off in a black trash bag. Often the weight of their belongings was so heavy the trash bags would be held together with duct tape," Tamara Blake, president and founder of Angels Take Flight, told Reminder Publications. "As young as the children are, they had always appeared embarrassed by this. It took away a sense of dignity. By putting their belongings in trash bags, it sent a message to them that their belongings were worthless and many believe they are as well."
The movement started modestly with Blake, a licensed mental health, marriage and family therapist, passing out fliers to friends, family and business contacts asking for any extra suitcases, duffel bags and backpacks for the children at the residential home for children taken by the Department of Children and Families at which she worked.
"Word spread, and a church even participated. By November 2010, there were enough luggage donations for each child who would come into the home for a year's time," Blake said. "The children saw the hundreds of pieces of luggage arriving over the course of the next few months and really seemed to understand people in the community were helping them."
Realizing the number of children who faced similar hardships to the ones she cared for, Blake began collecting toys and delivered them on Christmas morning, saying, "Santa accidentally dropped these off at my house."
"On that first Christmas morning of December 2010, my heart really began to burst as one child began sobbing and said, 'I thought Santa would forget about me this year,'" she said.
The following year, Blake collected nearly 700 toys and delivered them to after school programs for poverty stricken children, two group homes, foster families, and to families in the community facing adversity.
Shortly after, Blake's cousin Anthony Surrette, inspired by what he saw and the birth of his own daughter, joined Blake in her cause, using his expertise as an accountant to help turn Angels Take Flight into a recognized non-profit organization.
With the program's success growing, Blake and Surrette hope to further engage the community through the 5K, which is open to all ages and all ability levels.
"We thought a 5K would be a great way to get the community together, involved, and to do something active and healthy," Blake said. "Activity and exercise is another way to instill positive [self] esteem, positivity, and even academic achievement in children thus giving them wings in another way."
While the initial response has been good, Angels Take Flight is still in need of more sponsors for the event.
"There are different levels of sponsorships and local businesses can have a mile marker and recognition on the website with their business displayed or more, such as their name on the Angels Take Flight shirt for the 5K," she said.
Registration for the race begins at 9 a.m. Runners step off at 10 a.m. with walkers following at 10:05 a.m. Prizes will be awarded to first and second place at a ceremony at 11:30 a.m.
Registration for the race is $25 in advance and $30 on the day of. In addition, the registration forms contain a pledge sheet for additional donations. All proceeds go directly to help area children.
To receive a registration form, contact Blake at 426-8801 or
Reminder Publications Assistant Editor Chris Maza also has registration forms available via email. Those who register prior to April 10 will receive a free T-shirt. Registrations should be sent to P.O. Box 240 Agawam, MA 01001-0240.
In addition to monetary donations, Angels Take Flight will be accepting luggage donations at the race. Those who cannot attend the race but still wish to donate should contact Blake.
The website,, will soon have an application for anyone in the area in need who wishes to take advantage of the services provided by Angels Take Flight.
The organization also has a Facebook page at