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Ludlow, Belchertown get ready to host Memorial Day events

Date: 5/23/2023

Memorial Day is on May 29 and both Ludlow and Belchertown are getting ready to honor those who died while serving in the military.

Ludlow’s Memorial Day events will take place over three days.

Friday, May 26 will include a wreath laying ceremony.

The ceremony and 21 gun salute will start at 3 p.m. at Island Pond Cemetery followed by Sgt. Joshua D. Desforges Memorial, Center Street Cemetery and Civil War Memorial.

Sunday, May 28 will feature a candlelight vigil at Veterans Memorial, 11 East St.

The vigil will include the reading of the names of Ludlow military members, placing of roses, wreath laying and a rifle salute.

The Memorial Day parade will take place on Monday, May 29 starting at 10 a.m. starting at the corner of Winsor and Worcester streets.

The complete route will be from Winsor Street down to Warren Street, onto East Street, Hubbard Street, Oak Street, Howard Street to Maple Street then a left on Maple, down to Hubbard and left on Center Street to Putts Bridge, past the reviewing stand.

Only marchers will be allowed to turn onto Chestnut Street. All floats and vehicles will continue and turn on Sewall Street.

There will be a ceremony at the conclusion of the parade at Veterans Memorial, 11 East St.

Ludlow Director of Veterans Services Eric Segundo said that each event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

For more information, visit

Belchertown will host its Memorial Day ceremony on May 29.

Belchertown Veterans Services Agent Charly Oliva added, “I believe gathering to honor our fallen, from recent wars or decades back before any of us had been born, is extremely important. We owe a debt of gratitude and freedom to these men and women who died for us so we can live, thrive and enjoy our unique liberties in this country. I will forever remember all the troops I was honored to serve with that we’ve lost. I remember them every day but I make sure I say their names out loud at least on Memorial Day.”

The ceremony will begin at South Cemetery at 8:30 a.m. with a brief ceremony to include taps and a rifle volley to salute to the veterans interred at Belchertown’s South cemetery.

Taps will be sounded by two Belchertown High School students.

The parade start at 10 a.m.

The parade will start at Town Hall and proceed up Main St., down Park St. and end on the Town Common around the gazebo and monuments.

There will be a ceremony at the conclusion of the parade.

Past Commander of the Belchertown American Legion Air Force Maj. Keith Poulin will emcee the event with the Pledge of Allegiance being led by Cold Spring School kindergarten student Aria Lawrence.

The firing detail will be provided by Belchertown’s Police Department and music by Belchertown’s High School and Jabish Brook Middle School.

Scouts will be placing wreaths and providing Color Guard.

There will also be a guest speaker, but Oliva said she is waiting confirmation on who it will be.
For updates and inforamtion visit Belchertown Veterans’ Services on Facebook.