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The 'American Pickers' look for leads in Massachusetts

Date: 4/6/2018

GREATER SPRINGFIELD – If you’re a History Channel viewer or a fan of rusty antiques, there’s a good chance you’ve watched hit-TV show “American Pickers.” Now is your chance to have television co-stars Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz travel to your neck-of-the-woods and “pick” your antique collections, as the pickers themselves are roaming across Massachusetts in early June.

“American Pickers” chronicles Wolfe and Fritz’s travels around the country, and occasionally the world, as they discover and purchase unique antiques to either re-sell at one of their two storefront locations in Iowa and Tennessee, or to keep for their own personal collections.  

This won’t be the duo’s first time picking Western Massachusetts.  Wolfe and Fritz came to both Springfield and Holyoke on their last trip to the 4-1-3.  In November of 2013, the pair spent hours digging on Monroe Street in Sylvia Nieves’ backyard for an Indian motorcycle that was rumored to have been buried at least 70 years prior.  Covered in dirt and grime, both Wolfe and Fritz began to unearth motorcycle parts and little by little held the frame of an entire iconic Indian motorcycle.  In all of its rusted glory, today, the motorcycle is put together and sits on display in their LeClaire, Iowa Antique Archaeology storefront.

Following their time in Springfield, the pair traveled to Holyoke to the since-closed Paper City Brewery on Cabot Street.  The two purchased five of Paper City co-owner Jay Hebert’s antique motorcycles for over $62,000.  Fritz purchased a 1932 Harley Davidson, a 1947 Indian Chief with a sidecar and a 1959 Harley K-Model, while Wolfe bought a 1938 Indian Chief “rat bike” and a 1939 Indian 4-cylinder.

For those interested, the Springfield and Holyoke “American Pickers” episode titled, “Legend of the Lost Indian” is available to be viewed on YouTube for $1.99 here, on with your hulu prescription, and can be downloaded on iTunes.

Wolfe and Fritz are coming back to Massachusetts in early June, and are looking for large, rare collections and items that they haven’t seen before.  

“As they hit the back roads from coast to coast, Mike and Frank are on a mission to recycle and rescue forgotten relics. Along the way, the Pickers want to meet characters with remarkable and exceptional items. The pair hopes to give historically significant objects a new lease on life, while learning a thing or two about America’s past along the way,” a press release provided by Cineflix Productions reads.

The show shared that Wolfe and Fritz are looking for leads in the area.  Casting Associate for “American Pickers” Emily Chafetz explained that the areas in New England that the show will travel to solely depends on the location of the individuals who submit their collections to be picked.

Wolfe and Fritz only pick private collections, so stores, malls, flea markets, museums, auctions, businesses or anything open to the public are off limits. However, if you or someone you know has an extensive or unique antique collections and family properties with an interesting story that the two can come and pick, you’re encouraged to contact American Pickers with more information.

To see if Wolfe, Fritz and the American Pickers crew can come to your property, send your name, phone number, town and state and description of the collection with photos to, leave a voicemail with the information at 855-OLD-RUST or send it on Facebook at GotAPick.