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Wales residents approve all warrant articles at ATM

Date: 5/23/2022

WALES – All 21 warrant articles were passed by Wales residents during the Annual Town Meeting on May 18. A little over 80 people gathered in the auditorium at Tantasqua Regional High School to cast their votes.

A little over 80 people gathered in the auditorium at Tantasqua Regional High School to cast their votes.

Articles 1 and 2 referred to hearing reports and recommendations of town officers or committees. One motion was made for both articles.

Article 3 will raise and appropriate or transfer from any available funds a sum sufficient to defray expenses of the town, on a departmental basis, for fiscal year 2023 (FY23) period and further to fix the salary and compensation of the following elected officers of the town of Wales: moderator, selectmen, assessors, treasurer, collector, town clerk, Planning Board and Board of Health for FY23.

Article 4 will transfer the sum of $4,000 from Certified Free Cash for an audit of the town’s finances.

Article 5 is a transfer of $2,167 from Certified Free Cash for the Board of Assessors to undertake property revaluation.

Article 6 will transfer $2,000 from Certified Free Cash for dam inspections.

Article 7 is a transfer of $5,000 from Certified Free Cash to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund.

Article 8 is a transfer of $500 from Certified Free Cash to the Wales community events gift account for the purpose of supporting Wales Olde Home Day.

Article 9 authorizes the town treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of revenue of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022.

Similarly, Article 10 authorizes the town treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to enter into compensating balance agreements with bank offices having their principal offices in the commonwealth during FY23.

Article 11 accepts all grant monies received during FY23 for the Wales Public Library grant account, for the use of the library.

Article 12 reauthorizes an offset receipt account, not to exceed $100,000 more or less, for the operation of the transfer station.

Article 13 amends the fire inspector position, with a $6,000 limit on spending.

Article 14 fixes the maximum amount that may be spent during FY23 beginning July 1, 2022, for the revolving funds established in the General Bylaws, Chapter 3, Section 5 for certain departments, boards, committees, agencies, or officers in accordance with Massachusetts General Law. The spending limits are as follows:
building commissioner, $50,000; plumbing/heating/gas inspector, $50,000; cemetery commission, $3,000; Planning Board, $3,000; conservation commission, $1,500; Zoning Board, $1,000; animal control officer, $2,000; library trustees or director, $1,000; Board of Health, $5,000; electrical inspector, $50,000;chief of police, $4,000; council on aging, $3,500; and road commissioner, $1,000.

Article 15 appropriates the total sum of $15,000 from the PEG Access and cable related fund. These funds will be expended during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, under the direction of the Cable Advisory Committee for necessary and expedient cable related purposes consistent with the license agreement. The sum of $12,000 is the estimated license revenue to be received during FY23 in accordance with the license agreement and the sum of $3,000 shall be appropriated from the PEG Access and Cable Related Fund available balance.

Article 16 transfers a sum sufficient from Certified Free Cash to the General Stabilization Fund.

Article 17 transfers $150,000 from Certified Free Cash to the Capital Stabilization Fund.

Article 18 transfers $51,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund for the purpose of funding the following capital purchases/projects: school boiler replacement, $30,000; and school building improvements, $21,000.

Article 19 appropriates $500,000 for the purpose of purchasing and equipping a new fire rescue/pumper, including associated equipment and all related incidental costs, to replace Rescue 1 and Engine 2. To meet said appropriation, the Board of Selectmen must authorize the treasurer to lease or borrow this sum under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44. This article required a ? vote and passed with 65 people voting yes, 18 no.

Article 20 appropriates $173,000 for the purpose of purchasing and equipping a new articulating loader for the Highway Department, including associated equipment and all related incidental costs. To meet said appropriation, the Board of Selectmen must authorize the treasurer to lease or borrow this sum under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44.

Christopher Ryan from the Highway Department said this purchase is necessary as they have been putting a lot of mileage on their current back loader. He explained that every time they go to a job site, they need to drive the truck there, load it and drive back. “It’s going to deteriorate quickly if [we keep] putting miles on it,” added Ryan. He noted that they have had to rely on surrounding towns such as Brimfield for support.

Lastly, Article 21 will amend the General Bylaws by adding a new section 16) Master Plan Implementation Committee to Chapter 4. The committee will consist of nine voting members including one member from each of the following: Planning Board, Parks Commission, Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Finance Committee and one resident at large member.

Article 22 will be taken up during Annual Town Election. On May 25, registered voters in town can visit the Wales Senior Center, 85 Main St., from 12 to 8 p.m., to vote on the following officers: Board of Select member, three-year term; town clerk, three-year term; Board of Assessor member, three-year term; two Planning Board members, three-year terms; Planning Board member, one-year term; Board of Health member, three-year term; two School Committee members, three-year terms; constable, three-year term; cemetery commissioner, three-year term; and library trustee, three-year term.