Date: 2/22/2021
Southampton is looking forward to a happier and healthier 2021! We are grateful to all our first responders, town employees and volunteers who have worked hard during 2020 to keep our residents and the community safe.
Southampton’s Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC) presented the report of the Community Engagement Survey results. Approximately 20 percent of registered voters (896) in town responded to a survey and identified their priorities for our town’s future. The top three priorities identified by residents were: 1) Acquire land and complete the bike path from Sheldon’s to the Easthampton line; 2) Develop a public utility to improve internet/broadband service that would generate revenue for the town; 3) Purchase land to preserve open space. These priorities will guide our community leaders as we head into 2021.
We have two immediate infrastructure projects planned: repair and reconstruction of the East Street Bridge, and relocation of a water main under the Manhan River Bridge on Route 10. Other projects that were approved by voters and are underway or planned for 2021 are: Restorations to the Historical Commission’s Clark-Chapman House, trail improvements on the Manhan Meadows Trail, safety and structural improvements at Norris Elementary School, and two pickleball courts to be built at Conant Park. In addition, CARES Act funding has allowed the purchase of emergency equipment and staff, computers, safety enhancements in municipal buildings, and food and housing relief for residents.
Southampton formed three new committees last year and all three have hit the ground running this year. The Ad Hoc Grants Committee researches funding opportunities, the Ad Hoc Technology Committee offers expertise in a wide range of IT supplies and services, and the Open Space Review Committee moved from an Ad Hoc Committee to a standing committee and is focused on community mapping and conservation. These committees line up well with the MPIC survey findings and we’re grateful to the many volunteers who have stepped up to serve on these committees.
In 2021, Southampton will still be very focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and emergency management.
Ensuring adequate supplies, services, and coordination remain high priorities. Getting through this will depend on everyone following through with public health guidelines and looking out for each other. If we do, we will have a much happier and healthier 2021.
Maureen Groden
Southampton Selectboard