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Council on Aging director plans month of holiday activities

Date: 12/6/2023

CHESTER — Keirsen Broman, Chester’s new Council on Aging director, has a month of activities planned leading up to the holidays. The Council on Aging meets in the basement of Chester Town Hall at 15 Middlefield Rd., and has an accessible entrance in the rear of the building.

Broman, who is 36, grew up living with her grandmother and helping her great aunt and uncle, and said caring for the elderly is very important to her.

“My main thing that I want for the seniors is to have a place for the seniors to come in and enjoy.  I watched the decline with my older family — I find the absence of socialization is very detrimental to the seniors and to them living well. Being on their own is not good for anybody,” Broman said.

She said she believes it is important to have the senior center open for them to come, get their brains going doing puzzles and other activities.  She said just getting up and going somewhere can be a huge help for them.

Broman said all of the activities that she plans are requests that come from the seniors themselves, including yoga, crocheting, potluck meals and health clinics.

Ongoing events in the month of December include quilting and crocheting on Thursday, Dec. 7, and the monthly foot clinic on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Broman said a SHINE counselor will come to the Council on Aging that day for insurance assistance and help with medical questions. 

On Wednesday, Dec. 13, the council will host its monthly potluck at 12:30 p.m., and on Friday, Dec. 15, there will be the monthly movie day with popcorn and beverages.

“Each month we show a different movie. Come have lunch and enjoy a movie and popcorn,” Broman said.

Special holiday events include Friday, Dec. 8, when the Council on Aging will make kissing balls for the holidays from 1 to 4 p.m. Advance registration is required at 413-354-7735, to make sure there are enough materials.

On Saturday, Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. the Council on Aging will host a town Christmas party. The Gateway Regional School Choir will perform Christmas music, and baked goods and beverages will be served.

“Bring the family or meet with friends and enjoy a nice performance by the school,” Broman said.

On Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 12:30 p.m., the Council on Aging will have a Christmas cookie swap.

“Make your favorite cookies and swap with friends for the holiday,” she said.

Normal hours for the Council on Aging are Mondays, and Wednesdays through Fridays, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Council on Aging is closed on Tuesdays with the exception of the second Tuesday of the month for the foot clinic.

 “As long as I’m here, they’re all welcome to be here,” Broman said.

The Council on Aging will be closed on Dec. 26 and 27, to allow employees and volunteers to visit with their families for the holidays.

For any questions or to sign up for an event, contact Broman at 413-354-7735 or